Today I wanted to share another quote that has been inspiring me lately: "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." I'd also say don't let tomorrow use up too much of today. It's so easy to reminisce on (or regret) the past, and to dream (or worry) about the future. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of that, but don't forget to live in the present! Whether yesterday was cry-yourself-asleep-horrible or the best day of your life, you've got to move forward! And while it's great to have goals and plans for the future, don't spend your whole life wishing for more. I saw another quote that really speaks to that: "People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, and all life for happiness." I don't want to live that way! My life isn't perfect, but I don't want to miss any of it. Regardless of how great the past was or the future may be, I want to live each "today" to the fullest!
How about you? What quotes are inspiring you lately? Do you find yourself thinking about the past or the future a little more than you'd like?
See my previous "thoughts for a Thursday" posts here and here.

Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday, especially about that quote about wishing away the summer. I did that last year just wishing for September/my Europe trip to arrive, and now I'm doing the same thing waiting for my baby. Its really, really hard, but I want to relish each day of summer and appreciate this short time of peace before baby arrives.
I'm also more guilty of wishing time away because I'm looking forward to something (versus thinking about the past). I bet it's sooo hard waiting for the baby--but I definitely think you should try to appreciate these last few months with just Matt & you! Things will never be the same :)
ah, so true. i am guilty of letting tomorrow mess up my today! something to work on for sure
kw ladies in navy
A great quote. Enjoy today. None of us know what will happen tomorrow, and yesterday is over.
That's the attitude. Is there to reblog this on wordpress.
Sorry, I meant is there a way to reblog this?