As I mentioned yesterday, I’m taking a couple days off of work this week. So what does a girl do when she has a day off? Shopping, of course. My preferred way to shop is online--at home, in some comfy leggings, listening to music with some snacks by my side. So I did a little of that yesterday! And I found a lot of things that I really, really want. What would you get, out of all of these?
One: A leggy mid-century nightstand from West Elm - $299. I love how the drawers are painted white but the rest of the table is wood. I’d need a pair, though--so really $600. Two: Molded plastic armchairs from Overstock - $148 for a pair. I talked about Eames chairs in this post, and these ones look like decent replicas for a very good price. I only need one (for a desk chair) so I convinced my friend Renae to split the pair with me. Three: A pretty, chunky coffee table from One Kings Lane - $699. I have a feeling Ben will nix this one, both for the price and because it’s white. He thinks we have too much white and neutral in our house as it is. But I really like how it’s substantial and chunky, but won’t take up as much visual weight as a dark wood table. It’s got some fun style too, without being trendy. Our current coffee table is a placeholder that we found at a thrift store for $5 and fixed up. It’s not really the right proportion to our sofa (too small) and I haven’t really styled it or anything. It just kind of sits in the middle of the room and gets used when we play games or eat breakfast in the living room. Four & Five: Gorgeous abstract paintings by Britt Bass, on One Kings Lane (first one / second one) - $189 for either. I’ve been wanting to buy some real art for awhile, and I just came across Britt Bass a few weeks ago. I love her work, and these are two of my favorite pieces. When I saw these prints (framed) on One Kings Lane, I was really tempted to snap one up. What do you think? Which one do you like better of the two? Six: Cross blanket from Spearmint Love - $150. I mentioned this blanket in Friday’s post, and I’m still considering it. Our duvet is patterned (it’s the mint green one in this post)…do you think it would clash with this blanket? Should I just get a solid color knit blanket instead--like maybe a mustard yellow?
Alrighty, opinions time! I want to hear what you think I should get. I definitely don’t have the budget to get all of these--probably only one or two of them, depending on which ones. So what would be your picks? And have you seen anything similar for less somewhere else? Especially nightstands…I really want a pair of nightstands similar to those West Elm ones, but I’d rather not pay $600 if I can avoid it. Furniturebox offer great value contemporary furniture, perfect for when you want to redecorate your home. And I tried looking on Craigslist but didn’t find any that I really loved. Do you have any tips? I’ll be thrifting too, of course.

That table reminded me of an IKEA hack I found the other day (http://www.stylemepretty.com/living/2013/07/23/ikea-hack-bedside-table/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Fstyle_me_pretty+%28Style+Me+Pretty%3A+The+Ultimate+Wedding+Blog%29) and being the crafty girl you are, I thought you'd like it! Maybe make two to put side by side for the two tables = coffee table look? Just a thought. :) Also, LOVE that blanket!!!
Wow, you’re totally right--that Ikea hack IS really similar to the coffee table I found. I’m totally impressed!!
the west elm nightstand! gorgeous
ladies in navy
I know, right?!
You are a great artist! I have seen your work. I would paint my own art. Canvases are affordable and can be repainted, so instead of paying a lot, I would suggest you play. Your taste will probably change so I don't spend much for art. Glad you got your chair. I think the tables would be what I would purchase. (You could buy those organizing blocks and put some legs on them as a DYI as a 'copy') I find GREAT blankets for $30 or less so I can't spend much on blankets. I am not one who will encourage spending. :)
Thanks, Debbie! I do have some canvases at home. And I have been thinking about trying to paint something myself. Ben and I used to turn on music and paint together as a date. It would be fun to do again! Where do you get blankets from?
I vote for that colorful art and sleek white chair!
Yay! I got the chair!
I'd say one of the art pieces and the West Elm nightstand! Can't go wrong with a molded chair though :)
I’m really leaning towards the nightstands :) The art is staying on my wish list too, for sure!
That coffee table is WAY cute! Get it girl!
Thanks, Amy! It is SO cute, isn’t it?
I want all of it, basically! Especially love the blanket. We just got a blanket for the bed so I'll have to wait.
Definitely the gorgeous abstract paintings! :)
Really really loving those Britt Bass paintings!
I get blankets from Tuesday Morning, Ross, TJ Maxx. Any home decor store that is outlet. Usually 20-30 dollars a piece. Never have paid more. You and Ben should have that date together, and paint!:)
Thanks, Debbie! I’ll have to check out Marshalls or TJ Maxx :)
Love #5
Me gustaría que fuera el shopping para mi casa, afortunada!
i also loved that artist on one kings lane and found out she sells her prints (smaller) for reasonable prices! I ended up getting a 12x12 for $40. I plan to pickup a frame from ikea. woot woot!