
5 Inexpensive Pick-Me-Ups

Spring is just around the corner, you guys. I can feel it! The cherry trees in our neighborhood are starting to bloom, and it’s still daylight when I got home from work now (amazing!). I’m starting to feel a little lighter and happier, but still. I always struggle in the winter months. So I thought I’d share a few easy and inexpensive pick-me-ups, while I count down the days until the first day of spring (it’s March 20th, in case you were wondering).


1. Get a book (or a movie) from the library. The library is one my favorite budget “secrets.” I used to buy a book every other week or so, from our local bookstore. Which isn’t necessarily bad…I like supporting small businesses. But since I got my library card earlier this year, I realized that the library system has basically ALL the books I want to read (and all the movies that I’d probably rent) for FREE. In fact, they actually have a much bigger selection than a small bookstore or Redbox…it just takes a little bit of patience while you wait for your hold to come in. I finally got #Girlboss this week! It was definitely worth the wait--I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it.

I’m nuts about you

2. Create something, just for fun. I think a lot of bloggers might be able to identify with me on this one. You started a blog because you were creative and you loved making things…and then somewhere along the way, you stopped making things for yourself, and you tried to turn every project into “blog content.” I’m trying to break out of this mindset, and make things just for fun again, every once in awhile. I used to love to doodle and draw, so that’s something I’d like to do more of this year…like this silly little doodle! Free mood-lifter.

How to make bruleed grapefruit

3. Try a new (and easy) recipe. I don't even really count this as a “recipe," it’s sooo easy. But I saw the idea for bruleed grapefruit on Instagram, and thought it looked interesting…so we tried it! It was delicious, fun to make, and pretty healthy as far as desserts go. Here’s how to do it: cut a grapefruit in half, turn the halves cut-side down on some paper towels and let them sit for about 5 minutes (so they’re not as wet). Then sprinkle a thin layer sugar on top and caramelize it with a kitchen blow torch! If you don’t have one of those, you can also broil them in the oven. So good.

5 inexpensive pick-me-ups to get you through winter

4. Get a pretty latte--from somewhere other than Starbucks. I don’t know about you guys, but whenever I get coffee, I default to Starbucks. Nothing wrong with that, but there’s something extra-special about getting a delicious latte in a real mug, complete with fancy latte art (and Starbucks never does that). It’s funny, but something so small as having a heart on the top of your latte can really feel like a treat and put you in a good mood. It works for me, anyways.

Jonathan Adler vases

5. Window shop. There’s a reason for the term "retail therapy”--treating yourself to something new really does release mood-lifting endorphins. But it’s not a great idea to buy something new whenever you're feeling down. Momentary joy --> future regret. So sometimes, I’ll go window shopping! This may not work for everyone, but for me, just looking at beautiful things and fun store displays can spark some ideas and "scratch that itch” a little. Oh, and P.S. I have a DIY face vase tutorial in the works!

All images from my Instagram. Are you following me yet? I’m @athomeinlove.

I also wrote about getting through the winter blues here and more “little luxuries” here. If you missed those posts, check ‘em out! What are your favorite inexpensive pick-me-ups?

Hope everyone has an amazing Valentine’s Day, and a fun weekend! xoxo


DIY Emoji Coasters

Hey friends! I’m over on Lovely Indeed today, sharing how to make these DIY emoji coasters. I think they’d make a great Valentine’s Day gift (add a card that says “I’ve got heart eyes for you!”)…but they’re so cute, you might just want to keep them for yourself. What can I say? I love emojis.

DIY emoji coasters

Emoji coasters

DIY emoji coasters

Random question: what’s your favorite emoji? I use the heart eyes and the two pink hearts the most. But I love that laughing/crying face too.

Hope you like these! Head over to Lovely Indeed to find out how to make ‘em.


A Valentine’s Day Crafternoon

My girlfriends and I have a tradition of getting together for craft days every so often. We take turns hosting it, and it’s a really fun and low-key excuse for us to all get together…and get stuff done at the same time! Everyone brings a project they’re working on, and we all chat and catch up while we’re crafting. A couple weekends ago, it was my turn to host, and I decided to throw a Valentine’s Day Crafternoon. We sipped on some yummy Kendall-Jackson AVANT wine, my friend Renae made a big pot of posole, and I put together some snacks (including homemade creme brûlée--my fave).

DIY "Love" sign -- wire wrapped with yarn

I also got a big bouquet of pink roses, because nothing says Valentine's Day like roses.

A Valentine’s Day Crafternoon

Renae helped me plan the party, and she made that “love” sign by wrapping some wire with pink yarn. She let me keep it afterward, and it’s on my mantel now.

A Valentine's Day Crafternoon

Valentine’s Day crafts

For this party, we decided to have an organized activity at the beginning--DIY Valentine’s Day cards! I don’t think Valentine’s Day is necessarily all about romance and couples…it’s about love. So if you’re single and you want to do something like this, you totally should! Make valentines for your friends, your coworkers, your sisters…whoever.

A Valentine’s Day Crafternoon

Plus, card-making is the perfect activity for a crafternoon. Just lay out a bunch of supplies on the table and have some blank cards ready, then let people go to town and get creative! It’s easy enough for any skill level, quick enough to finish in one afternoon, and doesn’t require power tools or a lot of space--so everyone can work around the table together, and chat at the same time.

Handmade Valentine’s Day cards

Overall, it was a ton of fun and I think all of our cards turned out really cute and full of personality. Can you guess which one was mine?? Find out (and get the DIY instructions for it) on the Kendall-Jackson blog today!

Do any of you get together with your girlfriends for craft parties? I highly recommend it. In fact, I’m already thinking up ideas for our next one...

 Thanks to Kendall-Jackson Avant for partnering with me on this post.


Getting Through the Post-Holiday Blues

This part of winter is always the hardest to get through. The holidays are over, it’s rainy and cold out, and we still have a ways to go until spring. My tendency is to want to curl up inside and watch TV every night, because it’s easy and comfortable and warm…but like I mentioned in this post, I’m really trying to spend my time in more valuable ways this year. I watched this video about the time we have in jellybeans, and it made me really determined to spend more of my precious free time actually doing something, rather than just zoning out in front of a screen all the time. So Ben and I have been trying to go on more dates together--not necessarily fancy or expensive ones, but just going out and doing stuff, outside of our normal routine. This past weekend, we went to Discovery Park here in Seattle. I’ve been there before and seen the lighthouse, but it’s a huge park and one part I’d never seen is the old officers' housing. So I convinced Ben to take me there. It was grey and drizzly, but instead of letting the weather stop us or be an excuse to stay home, we went anyways…and it was a lot of fun!

Row of cute yellow houses in Seattle

These beautiful yellow houses used to be Navy housing, and there’s a whole row of them that are all the same color. I absolutely LOVED them. They totally reminded me of our trip to the South, with their big porches and columns (not a lot of houses in Seattle are built that way). Plus, I thought it was so cute how they all matched! And that color of yellow was like a ray of sunshine on a grey day.

Discovery Park, Seattle

Kluster: happy bracelets

Along with the sunshine-yellow houses, I also brought my own rainbow…in the form of a stack of bracelets from Kluster! I love all their bright, happy colors. Even something as small as a new bracelet in a fun color can be a mood-lifter, ya know what I mean?

Discovery Park date

If you like them too, you can get 30% off purchases of $100+ with the code ATHOME (expires 2/28). They also have really cute earrings and necklaces, in every color of the rainbow!

Rainbow stack of bracelets

Those are a couple of the ways that I'm getting through the post-holiday blues: getting outside and doing something new, even if the weather sucks and I don’t feel like I’m "in the mood,” and treating myself to little things like happy jewelry. What about you? I’d love to hear your tips and strategies for making it through this part of winter. And if you live in Seattle, do you have any suggestions that Ben and I should check out for a future date day?

Also, if you havent seen the jellybeans video that I mentioned in the first paragraph, I put it below. Watch it--its a good one.

Thanks to Kluster Happy Jewelry for partnering with me on this post.
