
Modernica Giveaway

I just realized it's been forever since the last time I did a giveaway. Hopefully this makes up for it--it's definitely a good one! I have been wanting some colorful Eames chairs for a long, long time (remember this post?), so I am super excited to show you my new fiberglass shell chairs from Modernica. I'm in love with them! And here's the really exciting part--one of you will also win the same chair, so we can totally be twinsies. Yay! You'll get to choose from any of the 35 colors that Modernica offers.

Dining room

Colorful chairs

I had a really hard time choosing my colors (they're all soo pretty), but in the end I went with pink and sunflower yellow. They definitely fit well with the color scheme in our house, and I love how bright and cheery they are. If I was to get a couple more, I also LOVE the breeze and grass green colors. And magenta!

Pink chair

Modernica giveaway

Yellow chair

Modernica fiberglass shell chair

Now for the part you guys really want to hear about…the giveaway!

Modernica fiberglass chair giveaway

These are just a few of the color options you could choose from. Check out the rest on Modernica, and use the Rafflecopter below to enter the giveaway. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Plus, if you've never shopped there before, you should definitely check out their other furniture and accessories. These are a few of the things on my wish list: a George Nelson pendant light, a Case Study planter, anything from their bentwood series (I love this dresser, and I also wrote about the nightstands here), and this wire chair. Let’s be honest...everything they sell is beautiful!

Modernica wish list

What are your favorite Modernica pieces? And what color would you get, if you won the fiberglass shell chair?

Thanks to Modernica for partnering with me on this post!


Dreaming of A Little White Farmhouse

I was looking at my recent pins the other day and realized that a solid half of them were cute white farmhouses. Clearly, I have houses on the brain! Our lease is up in June and we've saved enough for a decent down payment, so part of me (a big part) is itching to buy a house. But there are several other factors in play that might make it wiser for us to wait, especially since our rent is relatively cheap right now.

A roundup of cute farmhouses

One of the factors that's holding us back is that we're still not sure where we want to "settle." We've talked about moving a lot, but I don't know if we could really do it--pack up and leave Washington. If we stay in Seattle, we definitely cannot afford a house like these...but we have family and friends here and it is a really beautiful area to live in.

Dreaming of a white farmhouse

Another factor is the housing market. Houses (at least in the Seattle area) have shot up in value crazy fast over the last couple years. I'm hearing different things about that--some people say it's a bubble; others say that prices will just keep going up. I'm not sure which side to believe, but either way, I'm scared to get it wrong. I don't want to get caught up in a panic and rush into something major like buying a house, but I also don't want to be too hesitant and miss out.

Dream house

Dreaming of a little white farmhouse

The other major factor that's holding us back is our jobs. I would like for us to feel secure and settled in our job situation before we buy, but we don't feel that way yet. Plus, our dream is to have a little bit of property, but both of our current jobs are in downtown Seattle and if we moved further away from the city, our commute would be horrible.

Farmhouse dreams

Pretty porch

I know it's a personal decision that we'll ultimately have to make ourselves--but if you have thoughts on the topic of buying houses, moving, etc. I'd love to hear them!

As for now, we're not exactly looking for a house to buy yet...but I'm definitely dreaming about it (and checking Zillow on the reg).

All images from my Exteriors Pinterest board: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8


9 Seattle Creatives to Follow

A couple weeks ago, I shared 10 of my favorite Instagram accounts to follow. It was a fun post to put together, and there are sooo many more awesome accounts that I love...so I thought, maybe I could make this a semi-regular thing? Let me know if you like that idea or not! This week, I’m sharing nine of my faves, but with a twist…all of these girls are from Seattle. Truthfully, I would have followed them even if they weren’t, but it’s extra awesome when you find someone with great style that also lives in the same city as you. I often get ideas for dates or weekend getaways by following other Seattleites or checking out local hashtags. What about you? Are you more likely to follow someone if they’re from the same city as you?

1. @rougeandwhimsy - Erika is totally inspiring. She works full-time, blogs, AND runs a shop where she sells handmade bags and wristlets! Plus, she is really nice, down-to-earth, and fun...the kind of girl that you totally want to be friends with.

9 Seattle Instagram Accounts to Follow // @rougeandwhimsy

2. @hankandhunt - Jenny might just be the QUEEN of thrifting. I don’t know how she does it, but she is always scoring amazing vintage finds. I need to follow her around someday and learn all her secrets. That wouldn’t be creepy or anything, right?

Seattle creatives to follow // @hankandhunt

3. @theinspiredroom - Melissa’s blog was one of the first interior design blogs I ever read, and it took me a few years before I realized she was also in Seattle. Of course, that just made me like her more!

9 Seattle creatives to follow // @theinspiredroom

4. @maraboudesign - Brandy is a seriously talented designer. Her hand-lettering is so insanely pretty...I mean, just look at that! Heart eyes for days. And she has a great eye for styling too. Plus, check out her house tour on domino…beeeaaauuutiful, right?

9 Seattle Creatives to Follow

5. @saraparsons - Sara is technically from Friday Harbor, but it’s close enough to Seattle that I’m including her. She’s a photographer, so of course her photos are always gorgeous, and she’s totally hilarious which makes me like her even more. But the real kicker is her house…it makes me want to move to the country sooo bad.

9 Instagram accounts to follow // @saraparsons

6. @jelliottblake - Jenn’s Instagram is definitely one of my faves, Seattle or otherwise. Lots of flowers, nature, and all around prettiness! She has a great eye for making everyday things look beautiful and special.

9 Seattle Creatives to Follow // @jelliottblake

7. @alysonlott - I don’t even remember how I came across Alyson’s Instagram, but I’m glad I found it! Her style is so colorful and fun. A lot of creatives in Seattle have a more subdued, Kinfolk-y look…so I love that Alyson lives here and she uses lots of color (and eats lots of doughnuts). A girl after my own heart!

9 Seattle Creatives to Follow // @alysonlott

8. @cannellevanille - I featured Aran’s studio once, over a year ago. It’s gorgeous, she’s gorgeous, and her photos are always gorgeous. Expect lots of drool-worthy food photography!

 9 Seattle Creatives to Follow // @cannellevanille

9. @jamiesmoore - Last but not least, Jamie! She and her husband Steve run a wedding planning company that I’ve been following for years. They are both super talented, and I always love getting peeks into their (beautiful) life.

9 Seattle Creatives to Follow // @jamiesmoore

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you found some inspiring new accounts to follow. Leave me a comment with your faves, whether they’re from Seattle or not. I’ll definitely check them out!


Patio Style Challenge

You guys, my patio was on the Home Depot blog yesterday! They asked me to participate in their Patio Style Challenge this year, and I gladly said yes because seriously, our patio needed some major love (head over there to see the before--it’s sad). The challenge was a great excuse to finally put some effort in, and I’m really happy with how our little space turned out. We didn’t do anything revolutionary (I mean, let’s be real, you’ve seen globe lights before), but it’s amazing how some small changes can make a huge difference. I actually want to hang out on our patio now (!!)…and I dare say, it’s pretty cozy and cute.


One of my favorite things about our makeover has to be the fire pit, which has a wood cover so it can turn into a table when you don’t have a fire going. It’s so sleek and modern and pretttyyyyy. And I was definitely excited to get some real patio furniture too! The set we got was perfect for our space--simple, stylish, and fairly small.

S’mores, please

These pics are all from the first day that we put everything out. We couldn’t wait to make a fire and roast some s’mores! I’m SO excited to do more of that this spring and summer.

Globe lights

The other main thing we did was hang up globe lights. They’re the best low-budget way to make any outdoor space feel romantic and magical.

S’mores and globe lights

Those are some of the main changes we madebut not everything! Check out my post on The Home Depot to see the rest of our patio makeover. Then let me know what you think of it!
