
Our Master Bedroom + West Coast Style

The Home Depot provided me with product and compensation for this post. All opinions are 100% my own​.

For today's post, The Home Depot challenged me to create a room that exemplifies "west coastal style." Being from Washington, I'm sure my version of that is a little different than someone from California, but overall, I think of the west coast as laidback, casual, and in touch with nature. When it comes to houses, the east coast and the south are full of stately, historical homes that lend themselves to traditional decor. In the PNW, the quintessential house is more like a cool modern home or an A-frame cabin in the woods. And with less history to be mindful of, there are less rules to follow when it comes to decorating. Colors drawn from the outdoors, natural elements like wood and stone, and a overall a more minimal, modern, and relaxed aesthetic all say "west coast style" to me.

West coast bedroom style

For our bedroom, I pulled in soothing hues of blue, green, and grey--colors that remind me of Washington beaches and forests. To keep the room from being too cool, I added blush pink, brass, and warm wood tones.

Modern white nightstand

I purposely kept the decor simple and minimal. Since it's our bedroom, I want it to be relaxing and easy on the eyes. I have to admit it probably won't always be this tidy...but I'm trying not to add clutter with unnecessary decorative accessories. Soothing and restful is the goal.

Laidback master bedroom

Most of the furniture and textiles in this room are from The Home Depot, including the midcentury style dresser, the white nightstands, the blue drapes, and the upholstered x-benches at the foot of our bed.

Dresser details

Modern wood dresser

I'm really happy with how the master bedroom is coming together and I would say it's mostly complete now. I'm still hunting for the perfect mirror to go above the dresser (the round one here is actually from our entryway--I just borrowed it for photos), and I need to figure out what to do with the pillows. I hate having extra pillows that are just for looks; they're a pain to move every night. But a king size bed just doesn't look right without a WHOLE bunch of pillows. It's my only complaint about having a king! I know there are king size pillows that would fill up the bed more proportionately, but I've tried those. They're huge and floppy and annoying to flip over at night. So, I'll just have to play around with it and figure something out.

Minimal master bedroom

X benches at the foot of bed

Pillow layering

It feels good to have more color and pattern in here than we did a few months ago...and I like that this room still has a serene, calm vibe that feels right for the bedroom.


Simple nightstand

It's interesting to think about how the place we live influences our design choices. I have to say, I am definitely a Northwest girl. You're way more likely to find me in jeans and Converse on any given day than a dress and heels. And when it comes to interior design, I do find that I'm drawn more to clean lines and a laidback, mix-and-match approach more than elegant curves and matching furniture sets.

What about you? Where do you live, and do you think your decorating style reflects that?

Shop our room: Bed / Nightstands / Dresser / X-Benches / Drapes / Comforter / Square pillows / Lumbar pillow / Pink throw / Rug / Sconces / Pendant light / Round mirror


Do As the Romans Do: A Guide to Roman Shades

Roman shades are my favorite choice for window treatments. They're simple and streamlined, so they look good in modern homes and don't distract too much from the view. At the same time, they're sophisticated and elegant, making them a good fit for more traditional homes too. Little by little, I've been replacing the builder basic blinds in our house for Roman shades, and they feel so luxurious in comparison (beautiful and functional!). In the process, I've done a lot of research and learned a few things. Today on Bali Blinds, I'm talking about all the different options you have for Roman shades (everything from style, to liners, to lift options and more), and when you might choose one over the other. Go check out my guide, and let me know if you have any questions!

Guide to Roman Shades

In our living room, we have classic Roman shades in the "flat" style. We decided to do an inside mount so we could layer drapes over them, and we chose no valance for a cleaner look. Since we have a toddler and another baby on the way, we upgraded to cordless lift for safety and peace of mind. We're so happy with these shades! The only thing I might change for future rooms is trying seamless tailored shades (no horizontal pleats).

P.S. There are a lot of cheaper readymade options, but if you have room in your budget, custom Roman shades are sooo nice. They fit your window perfectly, and the quality and attention to detail is much higher. With items that are purely decorative, I'm all about saving some dough. But for a window shade that needs to function well, pull after pull, day after day, and year after year...spending more upfront to get a high quality shade from a well known company like Bali can be well worth it in the long run.


30 Weeks Pregnancy Update

I can't believe I'm already at 30 weeks! Two weeks into the third trimester, woohoo! This pregnancy is going by so much faster than when I was pregnant with Ian (I think it's because I was always thinking about it then, and this time I'm so busy chasing Ian around). I feel kind of bad that I've barely documented my bump or this pregnancy in general, so I thought I'd do a little update here. This is mostly for myself to look back on in the future since the blog is also like my digital diary...but in case any of you are curious too, why not put it on the internet for all to read? Haha.

30 weeks pregnancy update

So, here I am at 30 weeks. And just for fun, here's what I looked like at the same point last time, on our babymoon. It was around 30 weeks with my last pregnancy that I started noticing swelling in my face, hands, and feet (a warning sign of preeclampsia, though I didn't realize it then). So I'm definitely a bit nervous this time around, and I'm making a conscious effort to take it easy, put my feet up, and watch out for swelling. I do feel like my face is a little bit swollen, but it's nothing like last time--I could barely fit in any of my shoes and my face was really puffy then. To be safe, I'm going to the doctor every two weeks, and we have an at-home blood pressure cuff. So far so good!

I can't remember exactly how much Ian was kicking around at 30 weeks, but this baby is super active. It's fun, bizarre, amazing, and WEIRD to see my belly shifting and bulging and moving around when I'm just laying still in bed.

We have another ultrasound in two weeks, which I'm excited about (I love getting a peek at the baby). On the same day, we also have a consultation to decide whether I should do a VBAC. Part of me thinks a repeat c-section seems easier, but another part of me wants the "normal" birth experience this time. If you had a c-section with your first baby, I'd be curious to hear what you chose with your second, and why.

Then at the end of February, my sister-in-law Ellen is throwing me a baby shower--my first one! (Ian was born before his shower ever happened). We already have most of the baby stuff that we need, so I'm not doing a registry or anything. But a lot of Ian's old clothes will be off-season for this guy, so I realized I do need some baby clothes...which, after all, is the most fun thing to buy and receive. :)

What else? We have a first name picked out! Still deciding on a middle name, but at least we've got a first name that we both agree on.

I think this baby will sleep in our room at first, same as Ian did, so I haven't put too much effort into the nursery. Actually, it's kind of a mess right now with boxes and bins of baby gear. I need to set aside some time to get it all unpacked and organized soon!

It's really crazy to think that if this goes like last time, my baby would be born in THREE WEEKS. Of course, I have my fingers and toes crossed that this guy stays in all the way til full term...but it is somewhat reassuring to know that his chance of survival at this point is very good. And once I hit 33 weeks (same as when Ian was born), I will breathe easier and easier with each week after that. We're in the home stretch!

I think that's everything that's going on with me and this pregnancy. Feel free to comment if you have any questions!


Inspired by: The Grit & Polish

It's been awhile since I found a blog that made me want to binge-read every single post back to the very beginning. I haven't (yet!), because duh, I have a toddler...but I've definitely been reading a lot of The Grit & Polish since I came across it this week. I'm really inspired by their story: Cathy and her husband Garrett have renovated five houses since 2008, and the rental income from those houses allowed them to "retire" by age 34 (read more about that here). They're currently working on their sixth house, a farmhouse that they intend to keep as their forever home. And it's here in Washington state! They recently moved from Seattle to Ellensburg, a town in central Washington that I've been to many times. That definitely made me extra interested in their story, especially when I saw they have an HGTV pilot in the works. I'd love to see a show based in Washington take off, and I'll definitely be rooting for them when it airs!

The Grit & Polish - gorgeous kitchen inspiration

The photo above is the kitchen from the house they renovated for HGTV. There aren't many pictures of that house up yet (I think they're waiting for the show to come out), but if this sneak peek is any indication, it's gonna be good.

The Grit & Polish - farmhouse bedroom

Cathy's style leans vintage, which works well with the houses they buy (all of them were built pre-1930). She finds a lot of unique pieces on Craigslist and salvage shops, but she also sources great designs that look vintage. Best of all, most of the pieces they use actually align with my budget! There's nothing more discouraging than falling in love with something you see in a photo, only to have it be hundreds or thousands of dollars more than you can afford.

The Grit & Polish

Black, white & butcher block kitchen

Since we'll be tackling our own kitchen renovation for the first time ever this year, I was especially interested in the posts where she breaks down what they spent on their kitchens, and where everything is from. The one above is the Dexter kitchen, and the one below is a kitchen they remodeled for some friends of theirs (lucky friends!).

The Grit & Polish kitchen remodel

Antique bed

There's so much more inspiration on Cathy's blog, The Grit & Polish. Go check it out and join me in my binge-reading! And be sure to follow Cathy on Instagram too.
