
Victoria B.C. Travel Guide

Anyone still figuring out where to take their summer vacation? Let me suggest a city that's incredibly beautiful, full of top-notch attractions, and super close if you live in Washington state...Victoria B.C.! It's one of my favorite places, and a lot of fun for kids and adults alike. Lighthouses, castles, whales, water taxis, house boats, museums, gardens, and high tea are just a few of the things to explore and enjoy. I recently wrote a travel guide for trivago with my perfect itinerary for a long weekend...plus a few extra ideas if you have more time to stay. It's written with families in mind, but Victoria is also a romantic city for couples (I know a lot of people who have honeymooned there). Check out the article here, and let me know if you have any questions!

Victoria B.C. Travel Guide



Meet Emmett!

I am sooo happy to introduce you guys to our new son today! Emmett Obadiah Allen was born just over a week ago (April 2nd at 11:01 pm). The past week has been a haze of newborn snuggles and lots of family time...in other words, pure joy. I spent the first 37 weeks of this pregnancy nervous that Emmett would be born before reaching full term. Then I spent the last four weeks anxiously waiting for labor to start and nervous that he wouldn't come on his own.  Since I had a c-section with Ian, I had been told that a VBAC induction was not recommended as it would increase the risk of the scar on my uterus rupturing. So either labor would start on it own and I could try for a VBAC, or I would need to schedule a repeat c-section for 41 weeks. At the time when we decided on that plan, I really thought that Emmett would be born on time or a little early, and I did not expect to still be pregnant at 41 weeks.


Lo and behold, at my 40 week appointment I still had not felt any contractions, and I was barely dilated at all. Sooo we scheduled a c-section appointment for the next week and I looked up every idea I could find for getting labor going naturally in the meantime (including all the normal suggestions plus some kooky ones, like facing the full moon and rubbing my belly clockwise three times, ha!). Hey, I was willing to try almost anything. I was still really hopeful that I'd go into labor on my own that last week, all the way up til the Sunday night before our appointment. But...nothing. So Sunday night I resigned myself to another c-section, somewhat disappointed but excited to meet our baby the next morning!

Monday morning, we went in for the appointment and they started prepping us (putting in my IV, having us sign papers, giving Ben scrubs to wear, etc.). The surgery was scheduled for 9:45, and around 9 the doctor came by. She checked my cervix and asked if we were still interested in trying for a VBAC. My first thought, honestly, was no. I was hungry and thirsty from fasting for the surgery (I'd had no food or drink, including water, since the night before), and I'd mentally prepared myself for a c-section and meeting our baby in about an hour. I was ready to be done! But there was still part of me that had been hoping for the chance to give birth vaginally this time, hoping that I'd go into labor naturally even up til that moment, and dreading the recovery from another c-section. So I asked what had changed from the previous recommendation. She explained that even though I wasn't feeling contractions, my body had already started the process of getting ready for labor. My cervix was super soft, and I was 80% effaced. Evidently the drug that's dangerous to use in VBAC inductions is called Misoprostol, which is used to soften the cervix. But since I was already soft, they could induce me with Pitocin, which can be started with a small, gentle dose and gradually turned up (or down) as needed. So it's not as risky. They said they'd also use a Foley bulb, which is a catheter inserted in your cervix that they inflate with saline. It manually dilates your cervix to about a 3, and falls out on it's own when you hit around 4 or 5.

Ben left it up to me, and I decided to go for it. Might as well try, I thought, instead of wondering "what if" in the future. So with less than a half hour before our scheduled section, we switched plans (and rooms). At this point, I was really wishing I had eaten more the night before--or had breakfast that morning! I was starving, and after asking about it multiple times they let me have two pieces of toast, some Saltines, and some juice. Then we got the process started.

The beginning part was slow and easy. I knew I wanted an epidural, so I got one before the Foley bulb was inserted. They put it in, and started the Pitocin. I started feeling contractions, but they weren't painful at all. We were basically just hanging out in the room, watching HGTV and waiting for the bulb to fall out. After a few hours, the doctor came back to check on it and surprise, it was already out--I just hadn't felt it! So I was already at a five, then they broke my water, turned up the Pitocin, and we did some more waiting. After several hours of watching TV, chatting, and getting turned from side to side, my contractions suddenly started feeling much more intense and painful. I was able to tough it out for awhile, but then I started worrying that the epidural had stopped working or something. So I called the nurse, and we had the anesthesiologist come back to redose it. As we were waiting to see if that kicked in, I started getting super shaky and I asked the nurse if that was normal. She said yes, especially during transition, and checked my cervix. I think I was already a 9 by then...so things had really progressed! It wasn't too much longer til they had the doctor come in and said I could start pushing. I was so excited to be near the end and couldn't wait to meet our son. I thought I had an hour left at the most...but pushing took way longer and was WAY harder than I expected. Holy cow. I must be a wimp when it comes to pain, because even with an epidural that was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. After two and a half hours (!!!) of pushing, FINALLY Emmett made his way into the world and it felt sooo good. I was super proud of myself, relieved to be done, and most of all, so happy to meet the little guy who had been in my belly for the last ten months.

Baby Emmett

Meet Emmett

It was such a different experience being able to hold him right away, and having Ben by my side the whole time. And recovery has been so much easier this time around! I did tear a little, which was my biggest fear with a vaginal delivery. But honestly it's not even that painful compared to how my abs felt after my c-section (like I couldn't even stand up straight or sit up on my own). So yeah, I'm glad we went for it!

Newborn Emmett


Newborn yawn

Meet Emmett

Emmett Obadiah

Darling Emmett

Emmett was 7 lb 3 oz at birth, and 20 inches long. He has a little bit of brown hair and dark slate eyes that are a tiny bit blue around the edges (I'm curious to see what color they'll turn into!). He's super sweet and adorable and just so much fun to hold and look at. It's been absolutely amazing this time around, being able to take our baby home from the hospital within two days and have all this precious newborn time at home.

Sweet Emmett

My boys

One of the best parts for me has been watching Ian become a big brother. He was unsure what to think when he first met Emmett at the hospital, but he has warmed up to him now and he definitely LOVES Emmett. He wants to hug him and kiss him all day long! I also feel like Ian has grown up a lot in the last week, or maybe that's just my perception because I suddenly realize that he's definitely not a baby anymore. He's been really helpful, bringing me water to drink or diapers for Emmett, and I think he's acting a little older too. And it's been soooo nice having Ben home. He's taken Ian on lots of adventures to give me time to rest and recover with Emmett, which has been great for all of us. And it's only the first week! Ben's taking a month off total and I am just pinching myself with how amazing it is to all be together as a family of four. Life is real good right now.

Welcome, darling Emmett! We love you so so much, and we're so happy you're here. <3

P.S. Huge thanks to Corlana of Lana Jenae Photography, who came to visit us at the hospital after Emmett was born and sent me a bunch of the photos above. It was kind of a spontaneous photo shoot (as in, I still hadn't showered from the night before so I have greasy hair and no makeup on), but I love that even more because these photos capture this precious time as it really was, waking up the next morning with our brand new son.


Inexpensive Ways to Refresh Your Home for Spring

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Air Wick®. The opinions and text are all mine.

After a long and snowy winter, I am sooo ready for spring!!! I like to refresh my home for every season, but it feels especially good in the spring. As I'm lightening up my decor, I can literally feel my mood getting lighter too. BYEEEEE WINTER! Refreshing your home does not have to be a difficult or expensive endeavor. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do for free that will make a big difference. I've listed some of my favorite ideas below, plus some inexpensive things that will make your home feel new without breaking the bank.

Inexpensive ways to refresh your home for spring

1. Give your house a good clean. Let's start with the obvious one...spring cleaning!!! I am not even being sarcastic with those exclamation points. There's something about a fresh, clean start in the spring that is extremely therapeutic. I'm not just talking about running the vacuum cleaner around and picking up little messes. Now's the time to tackle some of the BIG tasks that you rarely get around to. My favorite? Washing the windows, inside and out. They'll be sparkly and clear and beautiful...so worth it.

2. Switch out family photos and art. The photos in our gallery wall were starting to look a little outdated, so I printed some more recent family photos. I purposely looked for ones that had a spring vibe, like these cherry orchard ones from last May. I also switched out some of the art, adding in bright and cheerful pieces like that "Hello Sunshine" print which we already owned. A quick, easy, and inexpensive update!

Spring refresh with Air Wick

3. Change up your fragrances. Smell can really affect the way your house feels overall. If you're still lighting pine-scented candles from winter, it's time to put those away and break out some fresh spring scents! I've been using the Air Wick® Essential Mist™ Kit in the Lavender & Almond Blossom fragrance. It's infused with natural essential oils, so it smells delicate and natural. It automatically diffuses the soft floral scent with a gentle mist, and it comes in an elegant, compact, and portable (battery-operated) design that makes it easy to style on a tabletop or shelf. And it's really inexpensive (look in the household cleaning aisle)!

4. Rearrange your furniture and decor. If your home decor feels stale and uninspired, try rearranging what you already have before you go out and buy anything new. Move furniture into different configurations or into different rooms entirely. Restyle your bookshelves and mantel, moving decorative objects to new homes. Swap out winter textiles like heavy knit blankets for lighter cotton throws. It might feel like a whole new house without you spending a cent!

Inexpensive ways to refresh your home for spring

7. Bring in fresh flowers, plants, and greenery. One of the best ways to make your house feel like spring is with plants! Whether you get a new potted plant, a bouquet of fresh cut flowers, or clip some branches from your backyard for free, greenery will instantly add life to your home.

5. Sell or donate things that you no longer love. I tend to keep things around for much too long--because it was a gift, because I spent good money on it (dang it!), or because I've just gotten used to seeing it there and my eyes gloss over it. Take spring cleaning as an opportunity to examine everything in your home with fresh eyes. Ask yourself, "Does this make me happy?" If not, it might be time to say good-bye. Sell items of value, donate the rest to a nearby thrift store. Totally free, totally satisfying.

6. Get one new thing that you DO love. Now's the fun part...take the cash from the stuff you sold, and treat yourself to something new that you absolutely love! Not necessarily something that costs as much as what you just earned, just something small that makes you smile.

And here's a bonus way to refresh your home for less...enter the Air Wick Home Makeover Sweepstakes! From 2/23 – 4/30 you can enter for the chance to win a $50,000 (!!!!!!!!!) Air Wick Home Makeover or a $5,000 (!!!) Air Wick Room Makeover...um yeah, that would be amazing. And no matter what, you'll receive a $1.50 off coupon to try the Air Wick Essential Mist Kit that I mentioned above.


What to Do With Sidelight Windows

This post is written in partnership with Bali Blinds. All opinions and text are my own.

Do you have "sidelight" windows in your entryway? You know, those tall, skinny windows on either side of the front door? I love how much light they let in, but I hated how exposed they made me feel in my own house. The UPS guy, neighborhood kids raising money for their football team, door to door salesmen, and anyone else that came to our front door could easily look into our house and see if we were home. It make me feel like I had to answer the door if someone knocked, plus I felt awkward walking around the house in my underwear. And more than that, it seemed a little unsafe to leave our entryway so exposed, like burglars might be peeping in and scoping out what to take. So we finally decided to do something.

Our entryway windows

I looked up ideas for adding privacy to sidelight windows, and I saw some inexpensive DIY ideas like window film, adhesive vinyl, frosted glass spray, and even plain old contact paper. However, I still wanted the flexibility of having the windows be clear sometimes. Ian loves looking through them (they're just the right height for him), and there are times when I'm not as concerned about privacy and would rather be able to see out. However, most window treatments that I saw looked weird for such tiny windows. Drapes or Roman shades (my usual go-tos) seemed bulky and silly. So we decided to try something new!

Cellular shades

We chose Bali cellular shades for our sidelight windows, and I think it was 100% the right decision. They have a simple, clean, modern look that works well for smaller windows (in fact, they're so low-profile that I barely notice the shades when they're all the way up, like the photo below). They also come in a huge variety of colors to match any decor. We decided on a basic white fabric that blends in with our walls (Cosmopolitan White Lace). I love that these still let in lots of light, while giving us plenty of privacy. Best of both worlds!

What to do with sidelight windows

Another awesome thing about cellular shades? They're super energy efficient, thanks to the honeycomb cells that trap air and reduce heat loss. I'm talking more about energy efficiency on Bali Blinds today, so head over there for some tips that will help you save (potentially quite a lot) on your utility bills!


Cellular shades are a really affordable choice for window treatments, so I'll definitely be considering them for more windows in our house! I'm thinking maybe the bathrooms, where we also have fairly small windows that would look best with something streamlined and simple.

Do you have sidelight windows? What have you done with them? Left them clear, installed window treatments, or did you come up with a more creative solution? I'd love to know!
