
My Favorite Diaper Bag + What I Keep Inside

Some of the items mentioned were gifted to me. All opinions are my own.

I've been getting questions about my diaper backpack lately. It's my fourth diaper bag and my all-time favorite, so I'm happy to share the details! The brand is Azaria, and it's made with slightly textured, scratch-resistant, vegan leather. I've been carrying it every single day for months, in all kinds of weather, and it still looks brand-new. There's plenty of room inside for all the baby essentials plus my own stuff, yet it never looks too bulky. Best of all, the backpack carry lets me keep both hands free for wrangling my kids!

My favorite diaper bag + what I keep inside

I have Le Mère bag in Black with a contrasting gold zipper, but it also comes in other great colors like Chestnut, Camel, and Dusty Rose. Besides being perfect as a diaper bag, it could also work well for school or work as a chic alternative to a basic backpack!


Whenever I head out of the house, I make sure to have diapers, wipes, my wallet, my phone, a waterbottle for Ian, and chapstick in my bag. In addition, here are the extra things I always try to keep inside:

1. Nursing cover - I totally love these stretchy multi-use nursing covers from Covered Goods. They are the best for nursing in public with no awkwardness, and can double as a baby blanket, car seat cover, or shopping cart cover. Super comfy and breathable, and they come in lots of cute patterns and colors!

2. Teething toys - Emmett is currently teething, so I make sure to have a few teethers handy to keep him happy. This frog is one of his favorites, and it's so cute! It's 100% natural rubber so I can feel good about him chewing on it.

3. Diaper rash cream - Poor little Emmett has been getting diaper rashes (maybe it's related to the teething? or maybe something he's eating? Or sensitive skin? I'm trying to figure it out). In the meantime, Boudreaux's butt paste has been a regular in my diaper bag. It seems to work better than other brands, doesn't smell as bad, and has no harsh ingredients. Ahh, the glamour of motherhood. ;)

4. Snacks - Especially for long outings, this one is crucial! I've been trying to pack healthy, high-calorie snacks that are easy for Ian to eat by himself, in the car seat, without making a giant mess. These peanut butter pouches fit those criteria perfectly.

5. Toothbrushes - If we go somewhere late in the evening, I try to bring the kids' toothbrushes and toothpaste with me so we can get them all ready for bed before we drive home. They both tend to fall asleep in their car seats, so that way we can transfer them to bed without waking them up. This is Emmett's first toothbrush; isn't it cute?

6. PJs - Along the same lines, I bring their pajamas with me when we go somewhere late at night. These PJs from ErgoPouch come in adorable patterns AND you can choose your Tog rating for warmth. The higher Togs are filled with 100% breathable cotton filling, keeping babies warm in the winter without having to crank the heat up (since you can't use blankets for babies). They're also great for toddlers who tend to kick their covers off and get cold in the night.

7. Camera - Last but not least, I have been trying to take my big camera with me on family outings. I'm not the best at this, but I'm always glad when I remember to capture high-quality photos of my kids in the midst of our busyness!

Mamas, what must-have items are in your diaper bag?


What to Do Before Selling Your Home

First of all, a disclaimer: we're not planning to sell our home, now or anytime soon. But real estate prices have been rising here, and a lot of our neighbors are putting their houses on the market. So I've been watching out of curiosity, to see how quickly their houses sell, and for what amount. I'm interested in real estate, and I think it's smart to plan ahead and make home improvement decisions with resale in mind (I'm not saying it should be the main factor unless you're flipping a house...but we do prioritize smart updates that add value to the house over stylistic updates that suit our personal tastes). If you're thinking of selling your home soon, you'll want to make sure you take the right steps to get it ready for the market. It’s tempting to want to sell the property as is, and maybe you think you’ll be saving money by not completing repairs. But the last thing you want is for your house to be viewed as a fixer-upper with lots of issues that buyers will have to deal with, because that means the price you fetch won't be anywhere near what you hoped or expected. And actually, you can greatly improve the impression your home gives off with some easy repairs that don't cost much in the grand scheme of things. So which updates should you prioritize before selling your home?

House exterior

1. Fix Up the Yard

Everyone knows, curb appeal counts when you're selling a house. First impressions are everything! So it's highly important to fix up the yard. Unmowed grass and an unkempt garden are signs that a property has not been well cared for. You'll also want to pay attention to any fences or structures around the property. Buyers often decide whether they want your home within the first five minutes. If the perception is poor, it’s possible they won’t even proceed with the viewing. Depending on the extent of the issues here, you may choose to hire a landscaper. But for minor work, it's definitely possible to complete it yourself with some good old-fashioned DIY sweat equity!

2. Take Care of the Big Issues

You can dress your home up nicely, but if there are big underlying problems, then the value of the home will be severely impacted. If you have structural issues or a damaged roof, then there’ll be no surprise if potential buyers have second thoughts about making an offer. Take care of these issues, and you’ll garner much more interest. If you don’t have the cash required to fix the big problems, then get a loan from a fast and reliable hard money lender. From there, it’ll be all about finding an expert company to do the work.

3. Update the Garage Door

The garage door is a crucial area of your property because it takes up so much space. This means people's eye will immediately be drawn to it when they first view the house. Even more importantly, a garage door that's in disrepair could also be a safety hazard. Luckily, garage door repairs are actually quick, easy and cost-effective. So, you won’t need to worry about this taking a massive chunk out of your bank balance! Besides completing functional repairs to the mechanism, you might also want to consider upgrading the garage door itself, adding curb appeal and style to your home exterior. This is one update that's high on our personal list!

4. Get Rid Of Mold and Mildew

Mold is a huge turn-off for potential buyers. It's a major eyesore, making windows and other areas of your home look dirty and gross. But it's actually fairly easy to remedy, on even the tightest timeframe or budget. With the help of some mildew remover and a few hours of work, your property can be clear of this issue. 

5. Take Care of that Drip, Drip, Drip

Finally, make sure that you fix any leaky faucets before you open your house up for viewings. The drip, drip, drip is not only annoying, but it immediately draws attention and makes people wonder what other plumbing issues the house may have. At best, it’s just another sign that your home has been poorly maintained.

Of course, the most important updates will vary house to house. If there is an obvious issue that buyers (or home inspectors) will definitely notice, then it's a pretty good bet that you should preempt that and take care of it before putting your house on the market. Once you've finished all the necessary repairs, don't forget about staging the house, keeping it clean, and making sure it's presented in its best light. When we were house hunting, we saw all kinds of crazy things that could have been SO EASILY avoided: dead flies left right where they were swatted on the wall, dirty dishes in the sink, and one house where there was dirty underwear in plain view (gross!). Not helping me imagine myself raising a family here, people. What's the weirdest thing you've seen when looking for a house to buy?


4 Ways to Profoundly Change Your Life

This is a collaborative post. All opinions expressed are my own.

Sometimes you get to a point where you just want a change in life, and you can’t even really say why. Especially around this time, as we reflect on the past year and consider our goals for the future. You may have clarity to realize there's something specific that needs to change, or perhaps you just have a vague sense that something is a little off and you need to get your life back on track. The change we crave may be simple and relatively easy to implement: going for regular walks to get some exercise, prioritizing date nights even if it means paying for a babysitter, or setting the alarm a little earlier to start the morning with intention. But sometimes, you need more than that. Sometimes, you need a dramatic change that will profoundly alter your life. If that's how you feel, the new year is the perfect time for a new start, a clean slate, and a fresh beginning. Here are four big ways to shake yourself out of the rut.

1. Move - Moving is a major change that shouldn't be taken lightly, as it's often expensive and stressful. You don’t want to leave on a whim, or without thinking through the logistics. You also want to make sure that you do it in a proper way that makes it worthwhile to leave, and not worse for yourself. But don't let that discourage you. Sometimes, it's mentally exhausting to think about moving, but once you get the ball rolling, the actual effort isn't as overwhelming as you'd thought. In fact, most of us move every few years at least, until we find the "right place" to settle down.  If you know that you need to get out of your current situation, changing where you live is the kind of drastic move (literally) that will instantly impact your life for the better. 

Red and white house

Chances are, you will be considering this move in particular because you are ready for new experiences, and you know that moving somewhere different will be open up such possibilities for you. This is generally true, and it can direct how you make your decision about where to go. Think about what experiences you feel you are missing out on, then look for places that are likely to provide such experiences for you. Chances are, there is no one perfect place in the world that will provide you with everything you need, so there is always going to be some sort of compromise.

That being said, moving where you live can be very profound, especially if you move somewhere culturally distinct from wherever you live now. If you really want to shake things up and make a BIG change in your life, you might want to think about moving abroad, as this is bound to change your life in more powerful ways than merely moving across the country.

Conversely, if you're seeking meaningful relationships more than the excitement of new experiences, then you might think about moving home to the place you grew up. There's something special about coming full circle, back to familiar people and places where you already have deep connections and roots.

2. Travel - If what you really need a change of scenery and a break from your everyday routine, that can be accomplished on a smaller scale--without moving. Traveling can change your life hugely and in some pretty amazing ways. It broadens the mind, widens your understanding of what it means to be human and alive, and can remind you to be grateful for aspects of your life that you've taken for granted. This will affect how you live and what you feel and think. If you are keen for this kind of change, choose the destinations that you are likely to enjoy, but will also challenge you. You'll get much more out of experiencing a little culture shock than you will if you just travel to places which are very much like your own home. Similarly, you will get more value out of the experience if you interact with the locals and stay awhile, rather than taking the occasional all-inclusive resort holiday. Real travel will help you to expand your horizons.

4 ways to profoundly change your life

Above all, you should make sure to be safe and sensible. Do your research, and don't be naïve about which destinations you choose. You can travel to many different and amazing parts of the world without putting yourself in danger. Done right, traveling can improve your life in many profound ways, and it is something to be cherished and appreciated.

3. Forge A New Career - For many people, their career is deeply interwoven with their sense of identity, and so it is hardly surprising that changing jobs can often be a bookmark at the start of a new way of living. If you feel unsettled, or if you just feel that your skills could be put to better use elsewhere, you might want to think about whether a career change is right for you. P.S. I totally count becoming a parent as a career change that's deeply and wonderfully impacted my life. ;)


If you decide to change your career, you will want to make sure that you are going for the right one. That sounds obvious, but it’s worth reminding yourself frequently as you consider your options. The last thing you want is to merely trade out one dead-end job for another. Decide on a career that you really want, and pursuing that will likely create a genuine and positive change in your life, rather than just swapping one role for another of equal merit and value.

Once you've decided what you want, what should you do to reach that goal? First of all, obtain the relevant qualifications for whatever you are going for (for example, getting the KUO's online engineering management degree if that's the field you want to go into). Then it's a case of finding those jobs and applying as much as you can.

4. Build Confidence - It’s worth remembering that confidence is not something you either have or do not have. Instead, it is a learnable and learned skill which anybody can develop within themselves. You can develop confidence in yourself, no matter how little you might feel you have to begin with. What’s more, doing so is bound to open up your life in so many amazing way. So what should you do to get there?


Mostly, it is about stepping out of your comfort zone. The more you do that, the more you prove to yourself what you are capable of, and the more your confidence grows. Doing those things will also in themselves ensure that you are changing your life for the better in a number of ways, so this is especially a good way to live regardless.

With the start of a new year right around the corner, are you considering any major life changes? Or even some smaller "tweaks" to improve your everyday life? This time of year always gets me motivated to take some concrete steps toward my goals and desires, be they physical, spiritual, financial, or mental.


Gift-Worthy Kids Books Under $20

Thanks to Candlewick Press for sending us these books to review. All opinions are my own.

I've made holiday gift guides in years past, but honestly? I'm not big on the consumer aspects of Christmas, so this year I decided it would be more genuine to skip them. We aren't getting our kids (or ourselves) anything expensive, and I can't encourage you to drop hundreds of dollars on big, flashy gifts if I'm not. But one thing I can talk about in good conscience is books. I firmly believe that a love for reading is one of the best things you can give a child. For young kids, I especially love books that have a "wow" factor that captures their imagination, like an extra-large size, intricate pop-ups, or detailed illustrations. Here are four books we've picked up recently that have that special "extra something" to deem them gift-worthy. They're all somewhat travel-related, so they'll encourage a love for adventure and exploration too. And I purposely picked books that look beautiful on the shelf. I'm not saying you should judge a book by its cover, but a gorgeous design never hurts! ;) Best of all, these books are all super affordable (under $20), so you can feel good about your gift and how much you spent.

Gift-worthy kids books to inspire a love of travel

1. A World of Cities - From the lights of Paris to the cherry blossoms of Tokyo, you can travel the world through this beautifully illustrated tour of thirty dazzling cities across the globe. Printmaker James Brown has skillfully rendered each city in a stylistic nod to vintage travel posters, while incorporating historical and cultural facts for inquisitive minds to devour (travel-loving adults will love this book too). Wander the distinctive cities of the world, all from the comfort of your favorite reading nook.

Ten Horse Farm

2. Ten Horse Farm - From renowned pop-up book master Robert Sabuda, Ten Horse Farm is an amazing work of art that will make your kid's jaw drop in awe. Majestic horses leap off each page: grazing, prancing, bucking, and galloping in an idyllic farm setting inspired by the real Ten Horse Farm (now an art studio) owned by the author himself. This 3-D gem is so special and beautifully done. We love it.

Gift-worthy kids books

3. Around the World in 80 Puzzles - Inspired by Jules Verne’s iconic novel, this gorgeous puzzle book would be a great gift for school-age kids. Aleksandra Artymowska’s imagining of the classic tale takes you on a journey through the world via steamship, hot air balloon, train, and just about any kind of transport you can imagine. It's sure to encourage your kids' love for adventure!

City: adorable oversized book for urban kids

4. City - We already loved Animals, the oversize book also written and illustrated by Ingela P. Arrhenius (but if you don't have it yet, add it to the list!). City is just as charming and whimsical, with giant pages that kids will love to flip through. It features iconic urban images, from subways to skyscrapers, museums to cafes, fountains to sidewalk newsstands. Each bold, graphic image is set apart by a different typeface. It's so artful, you'll be tempted to get to get a second book that you can cut up and frame on the wall!
