
A Different Kind of Before & After

It was my birthday last month (a big one...thirty!!!) and I got a wide angle lens. I've been wanting one for awhile and when a friend asked me to take some real estate photos, that was the extra excuse I needed to justify it. Now that I have the new lens, I am KICKING myself for not getting it sooner!!! I've been blogging for seven years, taking pictures of my home, struggling to get shots of smaller spaces, squeezing into closets and pressing up to corners. And now...it's so easy! I can't believe the difference. In case you've been considering a wide angle lens, I thought it would be fun to show a couple of comparisons. My other lens (which I still love and use all the time) is a 35mm. It's perfect for photos of people, detail shots, and everyday life. My new lens is a 17-40 mm. It's perfect for interior photos and times where you need to get a wider shot. I like that it doesn't distort the edges too much (no weird fish eye) and the price was reasonable.

Bathroom 17mm lens

Here's a shot of the kids bathroom with the 17mm lens (above)...vs. the same angle with the 35mm (below).

Kids bathroom 35mm lens

And here's one of the guest bedroom with my wide angle lens...

Guest bedroom 17mm lens

vs. the same angle with my 35mm lens.

Guest bedroom 17mm lens

And the guest room from another angle. Now you can actually tell there's a rug and a piano in here...and cute pom poms along the edge of the quilt!

Guest bedroom 17mm lens

I know it's not an exciting "before & after" in terms of style and design...but I wanted to share the difference! I'm pretty impressed.

We have some big changes coming to our house next month, and after that I'm thinking I'll do a whole house tour with the wide angle lens. I'd love to show some (actual) before & afters of the house from when we first moved in, til now. It'll be two years in July! Although we're updating the house at a slower pace than a lot of bloggers, and certainly at a much slower pace than the designers and house flippers I follow, I'm still really happy with all the improvements we've managed to make in the past couple years!


4 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Feel Luxurious

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

I just watched Crazy Rich Asians (I really liked it, if you're looking for a movie to watch at home this weekend). Ok, talk about a luxurious house! That mansion was gorgeous. But for those of us without a palatial estate, here are some down-to-earth ways to make your home feel more luxurious, without a crazy rich bank account. But first, I always recommend gathering inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest and creating a mood board of how you want your home to look and feel. After all, luxury can mean many different things...sleek and modern, rich and traditional, glamorous and romantic, or some other mix of styles? It's totally up to you!


1. Switch Out Lighting

There’s just something about lighting that can make a home feel more luxurious and stunning. But standard builder grade fixtures aren't doing your house any favors. Switch those out for stylish fixtures you love as soon as possible--it will make a big difference in how you feel about your home! You can find affordable lighting, but switching out your entire house will inevitably add up. Instead of doing it all at once, you may want to work through the house little by little. Start with large overhead pieces for your main living and dining areas, which will immediately add a level of luxury. Then move on to bathrooms, bedrooms, and other spaces. Don't forget about chic table lamps and floor lamps too. Having multiple sources of lighting in a room can enhance your space dramatically--not just in style, but also in function. It's nice to have a soft glow at night, instead of always relying on bright overhead lights. You can also try adding statement lighting in unexpected places, like a glamorous chandelier above the tub in your master bathroom, or some wall sconces flanking a beautiful piece of art. Another option is adding feature lighting in your kitchen, which will provide light for your workspaces and give a wow factor. No matter what, pay attention to the temperature of the lightbulbs you get. I like soft light instead of daylight bulbs, because they have a warmer ambiance that is more flattering and homey.

2. Refresh Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most expensive spaces to update...but it's also the room where luxurious updates with be the most beneficial. Not only will you enjoy and appreciate the new features every day, but kitchens are proven to have a massive impact on the value of your home if/when you decide to sell. In fact, kitchen renovations generally earn one of the biggest returns from any project. You don't have to do a top-down full remodel either. You can simply refresh your existing kitchen with some new elements that will elevate the function and style of the room overall. Some of the smartest upgrades you can make are premium quartz countertops, a tile backsplash, and high quality appliances. From family gatherings, to entertaining, to regular daily life...a kitchen gets so much use and is the heart of the home. It's a wonderful and worthwhile place to spend your dollars. A luxurious kitchen will make a huge difference in your home overall!

3. Upgrade Your Bedding

The kitchen might be the room that everyone sees, but the place where you really want a lush, relaxing paradise is your bedroom. As anyone who's enjoyed a super nice hotel bed can attest, there is nothing more luxurious than waking up from an excellent night of sleep with silky soft sheets against your legs. Haha! Maybe I'm saying that because I have young children, but I'm totally serious! To create a really comfortable, relaxing space, choose the best and most luxurious bedding you can get. Cute patterns don't matter...plain white is totally fine...but the material is what counts. High quality Egyptian cotton sheets may not be the cheapest, but they will last for years and get softer with every wash. Then add finishing touches like soft pillows and plush throws for a cozy and romantic vibe. By upgrading your bedding, you might just make your bedroom your favorite room in the home.

4. Clear Away Clutter

If the other suggestions seemed too expensive or time-consuming to be deemed "easy", here's one that literally anyone can do this weekend, no matter your budget or schedule. In decorating, especially if you've lived in a home for a long time, a lot of us start to overdo it with accessories. If your home is starting to feel cluttered, it’s time to simplify and start fresh with a clean slate. Clear away all your decor, and be intentional about what comes back in. Truly, less is more when you are aiming for a feeling of luxury. Clear surfaces make your home feel spacious instead of cramped. You can also consider selling unused furniture, especially if it's something you moved from an old house that no longer has a place in your new home. If it doesn’t have a use, let it go. That way you can let your best pieces really shine and have the space they need to make a statement. Pare down, rearrange, take a step back, and assess how the room feels. If it feels too empty, add some more accessories back in. If it feels just right, then you know it's time to sell and donate some stuff! A less cluttered house will feel more relaxing and luxurious--and it'll be easier to keep clean too. 

Do you have any other easy things you do to make your home feel luxurious?


Glass Bubble Chandeliers Made Here in Spokane

Through my @insidespokane Instagram account, I've been scouting out beautiful homes and creative businesses in my hometown. Possibly my favorite small business that I've come across is The Light Factory. I was so impressed that these gorgeous, high-end light fixtures--made of hand blown glass bubbles--are designed and built right here in Spokane! I also had the pleasure of meeting the founder Ashlie in person, and she is a total delight! I know these chandeliers won't be in everyone's budget, but if you're looking for some one-of-a-kind statement lighting, I think these are absolutely stunning. And every single fixture is hand built to custom specifications--from the bubble finish, to the cord, to the overall height and canopy. Check out some of Ashlie's designs below and learn more about her here!

Bubble sconce

This bubble sconce would be so cute for a bathroom--it makes me think of a bubble bath!

Glass bubble chandelier

We are going to hang this balance chandelier above our kitchen island! I love the idea of incorporating something from a local designer, and I think this piece is perfectly simple yet striking.

Chrome glass bubble chandelier

This chrome finish is so cool and can be added on to any fixture.

Marais chandelier

I also love this midcentury style chandelier, which would definitely make a statement!

Glass bubble chandelier

And this is her classic design, the clear glass bubble chandelier. There are at least twelve different options for the cord, but I love that twisted jute rope!

What do you think of these designs?? I was impressed that such a cool design company is based in my tiny hometown, and I just had to give them some love!


What to Do When You're in a Creative Rut

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

Creativity is something I've always treasured as part of my life. As a kid, I would fill stacks of paper with drawings, write stories, and make my own dollhouse accessories. In college, I scrapbooked, painted, learned a bit of graphic design, and planned all the creative details of my wedding. As an adult, I designed this website, created lots of DIY projects, built some photography skills, and dived into decorating my home. I'm not an artist, but I do consider myself a creative person. A lot of people think this is easy. After all, being creative means making fun stuff like arts and crafts--and it just comes naturally, right?? Well...not necessarily. Sometimes, the creative juices are flowing and it IS easy. But sometimes, when you're in a rut, it can be draining, frustrating and a downright slog to try and create anything that you're proud of. So what should you do when you feel like you're in a creative rut?

how to get out of a creative rut

1. Use this time to learn

If you're a creative professional, I would bet that there are parts of your business that you have been wanting to learn more about. Or perhaps there's a new tool or piece of equipment you've been meaning to research. This is the perfect time to work on those aspects you may have neglected when inspiration was flowing.

If you're a graphic designer or blog designers, perhaps you'll want to learn more about your Mac. Get to know the operating system (OS X), learn more about the programs you use daily (like Photoshop), and memorize shortcut keys like the snipping tool. Learn how to improve your workflow and make it quicker and easier, especially for repetitive tasks you do over and over again.

Or perhaps you'll use this time to take a quick course on taxes, or interview different accountants so you can finally delegate a task you don't enjoy.

No matter what, I bet there's a task you can take care of that will allow you to do something productive, even while you're in a rut. And once inspiration strikes, you'll be better set up to jump right in again.

2. Get up to date with trends

If you've had your head down working for awhile, you may not be keeping up with current trends as much. This could be a good opportunity to immerse yourself in what's trending, and see if any of it sparks an idea for you. It's not that you have to mimic what's popular, but researching trends can be a good way to find inspiration that feels fresh and current--or perhaps you'll even notice something that's on the cusp, and be one of the first to explore it. For many of us, that means getting on social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Behance.

In this media-saturated world, it is very easy for creatives to get overwhelmed by all the incoming visual information. So it's up to you to know how much is too much. You can dive in and research everything from fashion, to food, to interior design...or you can simply follow a few people you respect in the areas of design that you wish to stay up to date on.

3. Allow inspiration to come to you

To be a successful creative, it's important to understand how inspiration works for you. Some people can grind away and still be blessed with flashes of inspiration, but most of us need to take a more passive and hands-off approach. It's never a good idea to try and force a flash of inspiration.

In fact, in the creative world, it's usually better to take a step back, stop pushing the issue, and let inspiration come to you. Make time to rest and play, to exercise, to get out in nature, to have lunch with a friend, to browse a few shops, or whatever it is that helps you refresh your mind and spirit...without having to worry about the end result of the pieces you are working on.

4. Find a support system

Something else that can be very helpful for professional creatives is to have a support system of others that are in similar positions to rely on. Being creative tends to be quite a solitary way of working, especially for those freelancing from home, so it can be both refreshing and invigorating to have a network of people to contact and communicate with.

In particular, it's always a good idea to try and find someone in a position that you would like to be in 5 years to act as your mentor. They can honestly critique your work and also help guide your career path and offer advice from their own personal experience.

5. Set aside time to create (anything, even if it's terrible)

Finally, when your creative juices are stalling, sometimes what you need is to manually get them going again. Set aside some time in your day, every day, to create something--anything--without stressing about whether it's "good" or not.

If you're a painter, you could try a different medium that feels like less pressure. Sketch, write, knit, or do something new that's just for fun. It doesn't matter what you create, just that you go through the process of allowing yourself to be creative. Sometimes that's all it takes to get some perspective, gain some new ideas, and get that spark of inspiration back.

What do YOU do to get the creative juices flowing again when you're in a rut??
