
Wedding Entertainment Ideas

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

So, it’s happening! You're getting married!! Let the planning and dreaming begin. There are sooo many aspects that make up a wedding, but one of the most fun parts to think about is the entertainment. Of course, all of the serious stuff should be prioritized if you want your big day to run smoothly. But it's not the logistics like parking and wedding certificates that make a wedding special. The memories that your guests will cherish are watching you tie the knot and celebrating the evening away. Your job is to create an atmosphere where they can have fun and create amazing memories with you! Most couples plan some kind of entertainment for the reception. Of course, what you choose depends on your personality, what you like doing, and what you think your guests will enjoy. Here are a few ideas to get your started!


A Band 

It’s the traditional way to go. Many wedding receptions have a live performer or band that can serenade the guests and provide a great atmosphere. A live performance will definitely give your wedding a more intimate and memorable feel. Look for local bands or ask around and see if someone you know has a connection.


While bands have that raw and organic feel, DJs are able to play any music you ask for. It’s not just a case of setting up the equipment and pressing play. They are able to use music to create a story and steer the mood of the evening. They may start with something light, then build up to something that will fill the entire dance floor. Some DJ’s play around with the lighting too – that can be a fun little extra.


This is also traditional. You can plan and choreograph some dances ahead of time. Putting on a surprise performance for your guests would certainly be memorable. It's also classic to have a dance between the bride and the father of the bride, as well as the bride and groom. It's always a sweet and touching moment.

Something Related To Your Culture

A more unique idea is to implement something based on your heritage. You come from a long line of historical backgrounds, so delving into your ancestry might be a cool thought. Seeing if your cultures have wedding traditions you can include will not only be fun and special for your guests, but can also honor your relatives and ancestors.

Photo Booth

This idea is really popular now, and with good reason. It gives guests something tangible to remember your wedding by, and an easy way to capture themselves while they're all dressed up. A legitimate photo booth hire that prints out strips of black and white photos is a classic and fun novelty, but you can also create your own "photobooth" with cute props and an assigned photographer.


Speaking of photos, another idea I personally love is to incorporate photos of yourselves throughout your lives--especially if you can find funny and slightly embarrassing ones! Include everything from baby photos, to photos of yourselves as kids, to photos throughout your relationship. You can do a slideshow, or print them out and frame or hang them somewhere. I also think it's sweet and personal to get photos of your parents and grandparents on their wedding days.

Lawn Games

Lawn games can be a fun thing to incorporate for outdoor weddings! I've seen cornhole, lawn bowling, croquet, ring toss, frisbee, and more. Just make sure they're games that guests will feel comfortable playing in their nice wedding clothes. These kind of games are also great for kids that get bored with the evening’s proceedings.

A Kid's Station

And speaking of kids, another idea that's cute and thoughtful is to include a kids station where parents can pick up kid-friendly snacks, coloring pages and crayons, and kid-specific favors like bubbles. This will keep the kids happy and make it easier for their parents to enjoy the festivities...which I guarantee, they will appreciate!


Another classic. If the real performers need a little break, you can get your guests involved with some fun and entertaining karaoke! Make sure to have a mix of popular songs. You could also buy beats and have guests sing their own creative love songs. Karaoke is sure to be memorable and hilarious!


Food is its own category, but it also serves as entertainment of some sort...especially if you include some kind of unique food like a bubble tea station, a huge charcuterie board, or an old-fashioned popcorn maker. Remember that different people have different dietary needs, so make sure to include a variety of foods to suit everyone from little kids, to your gluten free friends, to your grandparents.

Something Unique To You!

This is YOUR wedding, and you get to decide what entertainment is. If you have something that's near and dear to your hearts, or an activity that's been a big part of your relationship, find a way to include it! The more personal your entertainment is, the more people will love and remember it!


How to Take a Home Business to the Next Level

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

I was thinking the other day about my generation, and how many of my friends and peers have started their own small businesses, compared to my parents' generation and their peers. It's actually pretty cool! I think that's one thing millennials should be proud of. So many of us have dared to believe in our dreams and put ourselves out there. I personally know people who run home businesses in photography, sewing baby blankets, home staging, real estate, giving Spanish lessons, doing tile work, and so much more. And as you know, I write from home. The goal for most of us is not to grow into a big corporation where we're hiring employees and working out of a fancy downtown office. It's simply to run a lifestyle business that allows us the freedom to earn money on our terms, from our own homes. Personally, I'm content to have this small business that I can work on from home, in leggings, with my kids playing next to me. It's truly a blessing to bring in some income (however much) without putting my kids in daycare. But I know, not everyone is at the same place in life. Some of you with home businesses might be at the point where you're ready to grow and expand. How do you take your business to the next level?


Consider your venue

If you're holding business meetings in your living room, then it might be time to consider finding another place to host events. The place you choose will directly reflect on your company's image, so it's important to find a venue that fits your brand. This is especially important if you're hosting a conference, workshop, or meetup with more than a few people. Finding a place that's the right size, with the right vibe, and the right amenities, will have a big impact on how successful your event is.

There are online venue finders that can help you in your search. Using them, you can conveniently narrow down local venues from your laptop, by the requirements you desire: size, price, facilities and location. You won't have to sift through irrelevant venues and can quickly get a short list to visit in person. You might even find some ideas that you would have never thought of yourself!

Another type of space that has become more popular in recent years is coworking offices. These spaces allow freelancers and creative entrepreneurs to work together in a communal setting. They can be great for days when you don't want to work from home. Maybe you have some important phone calls that you don't want your kids or dog interrupting. Or maybe you need to put your head down and crank out some work without the distractions of dirty dishes and UPS at the door. Maybe you just need to put on some real clothes and interact with other adults. The people you meet there may end up being valuable connections who can refer business to you or fill a gap you have (maybe you'll find an awesome accountant or a social media guru!). Joining a local coworking space can be a big benefit when you're ready to grow your home business.

Protect your computer

If your business is run from your home computer, then it's vital that you protect it. But what do you even look for? One of the most crucial tasks a proper antivirus should do, is accurately and reliably detect all types of malware before it has the chance to corrupt your computer. The next essential feature is ability to thoroughly scan your computer. Malware can be tricky; once it finds a way into your system, it uses all kinds of innovative means to stay hidden. So a good antivirus is one that can hunt for malware in every nook and cranny of the OS. It should also be able to scan files on-demand and automatically schedule for routine system scans. Rounding it all off, is the firewall. You should make sure that the security software’s firewall defends against both inbound and outbound interference. This will make it incredibly hard for a hacker to hijack your computer and use it for sketchy purposes.

Besides getting your computer set up with a good antivirus, it's also important to back up important files, and make sure to protect anything that is confidential between you and a client. Creating good passwords will also go a long ways towards the security of your computer--especially if your business handles sensitive information like people's finances.

Always be learning

If you work from home, you have to be your own boss. This sounds great, but it can also be tough. No one else is pushing you, checking up on you, or giving you quarterly reviews. You have to motivate yourself to grow your skills and achieve your goals. 

Think about what can take your business to the next level. Is there is an online course you can take, such as an online business manager degree? Is there someone you can learn from, who can be a mentor you you? The easy route is to be lazy and complacent, to do the bare minimum and call it a day. But if you're not learning and adapting, you'll fall behind in today's fast-paced business world. Don't just take a course because it looks easy or fun; look for what will genuinely give you a competitive edge. Set yourself goals to continually learn and grow, and hold yourself accountable to them.

Get professional business cards printed

Business cards are something all businesses should consider, including home businesses. If you meet a potential client when you're out and about, give them something tangible to remember you by. Include a business card when you ship products, to brand your packaging. Leave a stack of them when you can't be there in person to introduce yourself (my friend Amy does this in the houses she stages, so other real estate agents can find her). And if you attend a meetup or networking event, business cards are vital for making connections that will last.

But it's not just having a card that's important...it's having one that will stand out and represent your brand. So the design and printing are critical. A lot of business owners are tempted to go for an irregular shape, such as a star or a heart. However, this is something you should carefully think about before going ahead. While irregular shaped cards can make an eye-catching impression, they can provide some issues. Firstly, they take away the convenience factor that is associated with business cards. It is not easy for someone to simply slip the card in his or her pocket or wallet. Moreover, shapes like this are a lot more difficult to print, and consequently they can cost more money. It might be better to just stick with the standard rectangular shape, and make your card stand out with beautiful design, a unique color, a heavier weight of paper, and good quality printing.

Did you know there are different standard business card sizes around the globe? In the UK, the standard size is 3.346 x 2.165 inches. This is the same in Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Italy and Ireland. But in the US and Canada, business cards are bigger, with the standard size being 3.5 x 2 inches.

Consider outsourcing your payroll

If you're really eager to grow, and already have employees or independent contractors as part of your business, you might want to consider a payroll outsourcing company. These companies can handle some of the not-so-fun aspects of your business, freeing you up for the things you really enjoy and excel at. Tasks they can take over include obtaining time card data from your employees, confirming hours worked and calculating pay, direct depositing into your employees' bank accounts or mailing checks to their homes, making payments to vendors on your behalf, paying taxes and insurance when due, and providing reports of all these activities.

However, you'll want to determine if the price of the service is worth the convenience and time savings it will bring to you. That probably depends on how big your company is. Next, it's crucial that you do some research into the payroll outsourcing company's reputation. If they'll be handling your payment and tax information, you need to make sure they are legit.

I'm sure I missed a lot of other points, but these are some things to consider if you're ready to take your home business forward to the next stage!


Budget-Friendly Invitations & Cards by Basic Invite

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

I recently came across the company Basic Invite...have you heard of them? I'm super impressed with what you can get on a tight budget. Whether you're looking for wedding invitations, baby announcements, unique holiday cards, birthday invitations, or business cards, you'll find truly custom paper goods at incredibly affordable prices. You can build your own color theme and customize everything from the font to the shape of your card. As you're working on your design, you can instantly preview it to make sure you get it juuust right. And for weddings and birthdays, you can use their coordinating free websites to share additional info and gather RSVPs. Basic Invite also offers free address printing, free peel & seal envelopes with most orders, and free wedding printables like table numbers and advice cards. Pretty awesome! Check out some of their gorgeous designs below.


Wedding Invitations

When I was getting married, most wedding invitations companies were out of my price range and didn't allow you to customize your invites in the way I wanted. So I DIY'd mine--everything from the design to the printing, to tying twine around every invite and hand addressing every envelope. I loved how they turned out, but it was a real labor of love (and by that I mean, it took foreverrrrr!). If I was getting married today, I would probably order from Basic Invite! I love their designs, and with lots of options starting at $0.99, they're actually affordable for the budget-conscious bride.

Wedding invitation ideas

Affordable wedding invitations

Delicate wedding invitation

Holiday cards

It's never too early to start planning for holiday cards! Basic Invite has a great selection of beautiful designs, for everyone from couples, to new parents, to big families. I found lots of cards as low as $0.82 apiece, including foil cards with fancy, shiny details.

Cute holiday cards from Basic Invite

It's not too early to start thinking about holiday cards

Cute & affordable holiday cards

Business cards

Even in today's digital society, a beautiful business card can still be a great way to stand out and be memorable to the connections you meet. And with cards starting at just $0.17, why not have a stack ready for networking? Basic Invite has lots of great designs, but I'm especially into their clear business cards. So cool and unique!

clear business card


Birth announcements

I've always admired the kind of mom that gets professional newborn photos, gets family photos taken every year, and sends out timely birth announcements. I have not lived up to that whatsoever, but these darling birth announcements make me wish I had! Starting at $0.82 apiece.

Cute and affordable birth announcements from Basic Invite

Hello Baby birth announcement

Baby birth announcements from Basic Invite

And that's not all that Basic Invite carries! They also do birthday party invitations, graduation announcements, thank you cards, and more. Check them out, I think you'll be impressed with the selection and prices too!


4 Travel Myths To Rethink

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

In case you haven't noticed, the new "American dream" isn't owning a big fancy house in the suburbs. It's freedom and travel. Millennials don't care as much about things...we're all about experiences. We aren't as loyal to jobs as previous generations, and we're not as dedicated to climbing the corporate ladder. We care a lot more about how much vacation time we get. And can you blame us? Many of us saw our parents commit themselves to work, only to get laid off and maybe even lose their house in the Great Recession. So we're not about to wait for retirement to enjoy travel, and we're a lot more skeptical of the idea that jobs will be loyal back to us, or that a big house is a "good investment." We're also a lot more likely to seek out creative, nontraditional ways to earn money, prioritizing the freedom to travel over the security of a 9-to-5 job. So while millennials might be "killing" a bunch of other industries, I'm pretty sure we've increased the level of travel. But with that increase comes a lot of myths that have been accepted as truth. Here are four common travel myths to rethink.


1. Tourist Stuff Isn't Worth It

"Tourist attractions are expensive, overcrowded, and inauthentic. Better to go off the beaten track and save your money." You hear this a lot when planning a trip to a popular destination. But how did those tourist attractions become so popular in the first place? Because they're usually iconic places you want to see, with incredible beauty or historical significance. It's certainly worth seeking out hidden gems as well...but it would be a shame to go to Paris and skip the Eiffel Tower. Some “tourist traps” are genuine attractions and you'd probably regret not seeing them for yourself. Plus, the commercial stuff always comes with discounts. For instance, if you're planning a trip to New York, there's an all-inclusive skyscraper pass to help you stay within your budget.

2. Traveling Is Always Super Expensive

Yes, traveling CAN be super expensive. But there are plenty of ways to cut down costs. My favorite "travel hack" is to use credit card signup bonuses to earn points for free flights and hotel stays. Make sure you pay off those credit cards in full every month, or your credit rating will drop and your only option will be loans with bad credit. Another way to really cut down your expenses is to rent out your home on Airbnb while you're on your trip. You might recoup your travel costs, or maybe even earn money while you're gone! Make sure to factor in the cost of hiring someone to clean your place in between guests. And a BIG way to save is to choose a destination with a low cost of living. Places like Thailand, Croatia, and Mexico have incredibly cheap food and lodging that can make a huge difference...but be very careful to do your research and follow any safety recommendations. Even though it's never free, travel is one of the best things to spend money on. It refreshes the mind and builds incredible memories...and it doesn't have to be prohibitively expensive.

3. Exchange Rates Don’t Matter

I remember my parents used to exchange money and bring local currency whenever we traveled out of the country. Nowadays, people don't seem to do that. I think most people think exchange rates don't matter. It's convenient to just travel with their regular credit card, and when they look at their bank statement later, they don't even realize that unnecessary extra fees have been added on to every purchase. This is because of something called dynamic currency conversion, which is a process that adds on extra fees. To avoid it, you should pay in the local currency or use a travel credit card that doesn't charge foreign exchange fees.

4. Black Friday Is The Best Time To Book Travel

Yes, Black Friday is a day of discounts and promos. But don't put all your eggs in that basket! If you know you have a trip coming up, start looking for deals now. Often the best time to save money is the off-season. Don't wait, and don't assume Black Friday and Cyber Monday will have the best prices...keep checking throughout the year, on days and months that aren’t popular. Mid-week is often a good bet as people are at work. I've heard that Tuesdays are typically the best day to book travel, but don't trust that blindly, either. Just keep looking until you get a sense of what prices typically are. Then you'll recognize when you see an amazing deal you should jump on.

I strongly feel that travel is a good use of time and money. I guess I'm a typical millennial in that way! Even though Ben and I are trying to focus on building up our savings right now, we still prioritize travel and build it into our budget. With young kids, trips require more logistics and more money now, but we still find that traveling together as a family is an incredible experience we never regret. And the memories we gain together are priceless!
