As many of you know, I also run a wedding blog with my sister-in-law called Love & Lavender. Yesterday we shared a sweet styled shoot with lots of pies, cute bracelets, and pretty flowers. It was so hard to narrow the pictures down (and I loved them so much) that I thought I’d share some of the photos we didn’t post on L&L here! I’m particularly loving the vibrant florals and the girls’ cozy-yet-feminine attire. I also love how their dark berry-colored nails match the pie!
For more photos, check out our post on Love & Lavender. Oh and did you realize it’s March today?! That means spring is right around the corner...and I’m ready for it!!
Photography: Simply Rosie Photography / Florals & headpieces: Academy Florist / Makeup: Angie the Makeup Artist / Models: Eva and Katie from Swish Model Management / Jewelry & styling: Kelli from Sugar Blossom Design / Pies: Rosie's husband, Mark
I’m back! It’s been great taking a few days off of work. But of course we haven’t just been laying in bed eating bonbons...we’ve been hard at work getting things set up at our new place! I’m having a lot of fun, but of course there’s something about a new place that makes you think of all the new things you "need" to fill it. Here’s my current wishlist (which is bound to keep growing):
Bright pink rug. I loved this--Ben did not. We’re still looking for the right rug for our living room...can any of you recommend a place with great rugs that aren’t very expensive? / Breezy drapes / Tufted chaise / Graphic pillow (too bad it’s not available online. Anyone making a trip to Ikea soon?) / Vintage spools (to use as taper holders) / Hot pink tapers
Industrial style console table / Moroccan pouf (I love these things! They’re so cute and versatile--seating, ottoman, side table, etc.) / Cheap pendant light--we got this one already and are planning to paint it. What color would you do? I can’t decide! / Woven baskets for storage / A darling butter dish / Ball fringe--for lampshades, drapes, etc.
I’m curious, where do you guys do most of your shopping for home stuff? Any shops you recommend? I love thrift stores and antique malls, but they’re so hit-or-miss it can be kind of frustrating, especially if you’re looking for something specific.
When I first came across the blog Ann-Marie Loves Paper, I instantly liked Ann-Marie. Here is a girl who likes hot pink, washi tape, paper crafts, and graphic design as much as I do! Not to mention, she’s funny and adorable and super talented. And I love her handwriting. Of course, I wanted to write a post about her...but this time, instead of writing everything myself I thought it would be fun to get some insight from Ann-Marie.

Images via Ann-Marie Loves Paper
You guys may have already picked up on this, but I’m no hipster. There’s some part of me that wants to be “cool” but in the end, I just have to be me! Besides, I highly doubt anyone out there is this perfectly put together picture of cool. We all have our quirks, tastes, and differences. Today, in the interest of helping you all get to know me better, I thought I’d share a list of ten things about me that are (in some cases) kind of embarrassing and totally not cool. Do you any of you share these traits?
1. I like country music! And I don’t seek out cool new bands before they hit the big-time. I just wait for songs to get popular on the radio. I like music, but I don’t have a big collection of it. I usually just set Pandora to the Taylor Swift station :)
2. I don’t drink. I’m not judging you for drinking, and I don’t think it’s morally wrong or anything. But I’m just not into it. I don’t like the taste of alcohol, getting drunk isn't appealing to me, and there are so many other things I’d rather indulge in. Hello, cheesecake!
3. I don’t own any designer clothes. Can’t afford ‘em, and even if I could I just don’t think it would be worth it to me. I shop at Target, Forever21, and H&M...and buy things on sale at Anthropologie when I can!
4. I’m not vegan, gluten-free or anything like that. I eat Oreos and Cheetos (not all the time, but I like them). I don’t cook really fancy dishes with unique ingredients and complicated processes. I love Indian food and Thai food, but in truth I’m not a very adventurous eater. I don’t even like sushi!
5. I don’t have much of a nightlife. I’m a really low-key person, and I prefer to relax at home with Ben or hang out with friends and family. A restaurant and a movie is what we consider “going out.”
6. My favorite color is pink. When I was younger, I pretended that it was yellow or blue because it was sooo not cool to have pink be your favorite color. But now I don’t care! It’s the color of peonies, frosted sugar cookies, and sunsets...what’s not to love?
7. Edgy and thought-provoking movies sound interesting theoretically, but I pretty much watch big box office movies with happy endings. I really hate depressing or scary movies, so I see mostly chick flicks and comedies! The Notebook, Bridesmaids, the Help...admit it, you like them too!
8. My husband was my first love. When you know, you know! From the first month that we started dating (when I was seventeen!) I knew he was the man I would one day marry. And I’ve never doubted or regretted it. I think some people are skeptical of young love, but I know ours is true and real and will only deepen as we grow older.
9. I use smiley faces and exclamation points a lot. I have to tone it down so I don’t look like a junior higher when I send emails and texts. I just discovered the Emoji on my iPhone, and I’m having way too much fun with it (sorry Ben!)
10. I’m a really terrible dancer. Like, terrible. Sometimes I like to dance in private for a workout, or with Ben just to be silly. But if you saw me, you would probably be very embarrassed for me.
And that’s that! There are actually a lot of other uncool things about me, but I didn’t want to scare you all away too quickly :) I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing weekend...I’m heading to eastern Washington for my second weekend in a row with a baby shower!