
House Tour: The Makerista

I have another gorgeous house tour for you guys! I came across Gwen of The Makerista just last week through the BHG Blogger Awards. I thought her house was so beautiful, so I immediately reached out to see if I could share it with you all. I was especially impressed because she talks a lot about decorating on a budget--and she has two kids!! So I thought it would be interesting to get her advice and find out a little bit about how she does it. Ready? Let’s go.

The Makerista

1. Can you tell me a little bit of your background, and how you got started with The Makerista?

I've always loved creating and learning.  When I became a stay at home mom about 4 years ago I started reading blogs.  I fell in love with the women and what they were doing, but I also realized I was doing a lot of the same things, just not documenting them.  I finally took the plunge last summer after lots of planning.

Bookshelf styling

2. Your house is so beautiful! Do you have a favorite room or a favorite spot? 

I think the living area is the best reflection of my personal style, and I just really enjoy spending time in it.

The Makerista--pillows & art

3. How would you describe your style?

I consider my style neo-traditional with a touch of the unexpected.  I like clean and classic lines, but I also love something a bit off, whether it be art or the color pallet.  It needs some personality and energy.

The Makerista house tour // At Home in Love

4. What are some trends that you’re loving right now?

I love tone on tone color right now.  I've always been more of a mixer than a matcher anyway, so mixing shades of reds and pinks or blues and greens is totally up my alley.

Bar cart

5. How do you go about decorating a room? Do you have a process?
I usually start with an inspiration piece, whether some fabric, a piece of art, or a collection of inspiration photos, and go from there.  I try to start with wall color and larger pieces first, but I also attempt to keep the big picture in mind and be open to finding things in any order.  Especially when you're thrifting and searching through one of a kind pieces, you can't mull over choices.  If you see a great side table, but you haven't found the couch yet, you don't have the luxury with thrifting of thinking about it for a few days.

Green chair -- thrift store find!

6. A lot of my favorite items in your home are from thrift stores and Craigslist. Do you have any tips for thrifting or finding awesome stuff at antique stores, Craigslist, etc.?
I actually just posted some thoughts on that here.  Consistency is key though.  The more you look, the more likely you are to stumble upon something amazing! (P.S. Gwen got both the green chair above and the peacock chair below from thrift stores)

The Makerista Peacock Chair

7. Your blog is all about making things yourself. What’s your favorite thing that you’ve made so far?
The blog is about making things, and making a home is probably my favorite thing to do.  I've so enjoyed renovating our home and decorating it.  The most popular thing I've made is this baby swing for my daughter Milly's first birthday.

The Makerista: advice on making your house stylish with kids

8. Do you have any tips for making a house kid-friendly but still stylish? I feel like you’ve nailed it.
Well, thanks.  It works out for me that I'm on a budget, so I don't have anything too expensive for the kids to destroy.  But they know what they can and can't touch.  It takes time to teach them that, but it can be done.  I have quite a few brass figures that they enjoy playing with, but they know to stay away from the glass objects.  As far as the furniture, keeping eating in the kitchen or occasionally in the basement helps and as far as toys: keeping the bigger things pretty and not plastic and lots of bins and baskets for the smaller toys is key.  I want my kids to feel like this is their house too, but I also want them to know limits, restrictions and manners.  I hope that because we work on respecting things in our own house, that they will do the same elsewhere.

House plants // The Makerista

9. Where do you find your inspiration?

Everywhere.  Literally.  From photos that show up in my Instagram feed to a church floor in the Dominican Rupublic.  Can you tell I'm a bit obsessed with Instagram?

Love is the only gold

10. What are three books, movies, and blogs that you recommend?

I wish I made more time for these things!  I'm currently doing a study on the book of James but as a young mom, curling up with a book isn't something I do very often.  Movies aren't really my thing, but I love Masterpiece on PBS.  I read more than a few blogs, but some of my favorites off the top of my head are Little Green NotebookThe Hunted Interior, and FROM THE RIGHT BANK.  Those girls KILL it and are fearless and innovative.

Pretty plants

11. What about favorite places to shop for your home?

Thrift stores, antique malls and craigslist definitely take the cake, but you can often find me at Home Depot, Homegoods and Target quite often too.

The Makerista house tour

12. What future plans, projects, and goals have you most excited right now?
We are currently refreshing our master bedroom and we have some plans in the works for the master bath.  I'm really excited about both of those projects, and also enjoying being apart of the Better Homes and Gardens Blogger Awards right now.  What an honor!

Bedroom of Gwen Hefner from The Makerista

Isn’t she awesome? I’m totally inspired by not just her home, but by Gwen herself.

What’s your favorite thing about this house, or about the interview with Gwen? My favorite is probably all the plants throughout her house. And the living room. Did you love those shelves? She used black foam board for the back of them--so smart!

All photos via The Makerista.


Thoughts for a Thursday: Gratitude

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about gratitude and contentment. Ben and I commute to work together (30 minutes to an hour each way, depending on traffic), and we often get into long conversations about life in the car. I tell you what, a long commute is never fun, but it definitely makes it better to share it with someone you love and enjoy talking to! Anyways, we’ve been talking lately about how the current of this age is to never be satisfied. To always want more, to feel like you’ve never accomplished enough, to constantly chase that next thing. To some extent, I think that’s just human nature. But I also think that it's a recent shift with my generation. Am I wrong? I feel like not too long ago, people were more content with what they had…but our generation has been so groomed to dream big and do it all, that “settling” for anything less feels like failure. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great to believe in your dreams and to make them happen, but I’d also like to feel more contentment and satisfaction with my life as it is now, rather than always looking forward to tomorrow. So what’s the key?

It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful.

There are probably a million things that contribute to feeling satisfied--but today I want to talk about one point in particular that makes a big difference: gratitude. I really like this quote, by David Steindl-Rast: “It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”

I recently read this post on Apartment Therapy, about being positive when it comes to your home. It talked about how when guests come over, so often we’ll immediately launch into apologies for all the things we don’t like about our home--the mess, the unfinished projects, the items that need fixing, etc. And if they say something positive about our place, we laugh it off or dismiss it. We might think this is being humble, but in actuality it’s not very kind to the person paying you the compliment, and it just perpetuates a standard of perfection that no one can actually attain to. Wouldn’t it be so much better to simply say, “Thanks so much! That really means a lot,” when someone pays you a compliment? I think so.

And I think you can apply that same principle to just about anything. If someone tells you that you look beautiful, just say “thank you!” rather than talking about how your shirt is actually two years old, or you have a zit, or you ate a huge dinner and you feel fat, or whatever. I’d like to practice this--being grateful for what I have, appreciating it, and enjoying where I’m at, without thinking about what could be better.

What are your thoughts on this topic?? I’d love to hear how you stay positive in the present. How do you work toward your goals while staying joyful and satisfied in your current situation?


DIY Stamped Business Cards

I’ve always wanted to have my own business cards. I feel like they’re so official ("Here, have one of my business cards! See, I’m legit.") You know what I mean, right? In truth, I don’t really need business cards that much--most of the time I connect with people online. But there have been a few times when I wished I had some to pass out--something for people to remember my name and contact info, and (I admit) to make me feel more official! So when RubberStamps.com reached out to see if I’d like to try out some of their stamps, right away I thought of making some DIY business cards.

DIY stamped business cards // At Home in Love

I liked the idea of stamping my business cards, because I thought it would be nice for them to have a little quirky, DIY feel. I’m all about budget-friendly, unique, and handmade decor, so it’s fitting for my business cards to have those same qualities. But I also wanted to keep them fairly simple. I’ve seen some bloggers’ business cards that are awesome (painted, glittered, with 3D elements, hand-stitched leather and more)--but look like they’d take twenty minutes to finish just one “card.” I don’t have that kind of time! So I decided to stamp my business cards on both the front & back, then paint the edges. Edge-painting business cards has been pretty popular lately (I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve seen it). I really like how it adds a little extra element, without taking much extra time to do. And if I get sick of it later, no big deal. I can just stamp more cards!

Supplies for stamped & edge-painted business cards

For this project, you will need:

Custom stamps (mine are from here)
Blank business cards
Ink pad (I used black, but I think a color would be fun in the future)
Acrylic paint in the color of your choice
A foam paintbrush
Clamps or something heavy to weigh the stack of cards down

Stamped DIY business cards

To get started, start stamping the front side of all the cards, then flip them over and do the back side. I didn’t worry too much about getting each card perfectly centered. That’s part of the charm of hand-stamped cards, in my opinion. Each one is a little different!

DIY business cards

The other nice thing about using stamps is that I can always switch up my cards later! I could stamp different colored cards, luggage tags, etc. And since I don’t have to worry about running the cards through a printer, I can use really thick cardstock--or any material that I could stamp. Little wood rounds would be cute, don’t you think??

Edge-painting business cards

For the edges, I put a heavy block on top of the stack to hold it in place. You could use clamps, or any heavy paperweight type object you have. Then I simply painted the edges with acrylic paint. I put a blank card on top, because I figured it would get some paint around the edges.

Edge-painted business cards

After the edges were dry, I peeled the cards apart. So simple!!

DIY stamped business cards

I really like how my cards turned out, and I’m super excited about my stamps. I like to switch things up a lot, so I’m sure I’ll use these same stamps in a different way at some point to give my business cards a whole new look. Now I just need to make a DIY business card holder so I can keep my cards in my purse, ready to give out!

For more creative business card ideas, check out my business cards board on Pinterest.

This post was written in partnership with RubberStamps.com. I was really happy with how my stamps turned out, and I can think of so many other projects I’d like to get custom stamps for--addressing envelopes, party invitations, monograms, etc. I totally recommend them!


Now and Then

Last Friday, Kevin of Thou Swell tagged me in this post to play in a little blog series called Now and Then. Through his post, I was introduced to several awesome bloggers that I had never come across before (but am so happy that I found!)See their posts here, here, here, and here. So today, instead of doing my typical Casual Friday post, I thought I’d join in the fun and share a little bit about myself, now and then.

Now and Then // At Home in Love

I don’t have a great memory, so my “then” isn’t that long ago, but it’s a time I remember really vividly--my senior year of high school. It was a year of changes and possibilities--a hard year, a fun year, and a bittersweet year in many ways. I have a ton of great memories from that year. High on the list has got to be the “romantic” dinner parties that my two best friends and I would throw for ourselves. We’d get dressed up, do our hair & makeup, and make a fancy dinner, then light candles, put on some Josh Groban, and talk about all our hopes & dreams (and of course, our crushes). Ha! But it was a tough year too--I totally thought I was an adult and deserved to be treated as such, so my mom and I argued about just about everything. It was also my last year in Spokane, the city where I grew up, and my last year as a “kid” living at home with no real responsibilities. So it was sad, too. Needless to say, 2006 was pretty significant in my life so it stands out in my memory.

Now and Then // At Home in Love

If any of you are bloggers, I’d love for you to also follow along in this series (I want to read your posts!). In particular, I’d like to tag Laicie, Ann-Marie, and Jessica. Only if you guys want to!

Happy weekend, everyone. Hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane.
