Last Friday, Kevin of Thou Swell tagged me in this post to play in a little blog series called Now and Then. Through his post, I was introduced to several awesome bloggers that I had never come across before (but am so happy that I found!). See their posts here, here, here, and here. So today, instead of doing my typical Casual Friday post, I thought I’d join in the fun and share a little bit about myself, now and then.
I don’t have a great memory, so my “then” isn’t that long ago, but it’s a time I remember really vividly--my senior year of high school. It was a year of changes and possibilities--a hard year, a fun year, and a bittersweet year in many ways. I have a ton of great memories from that year. High on the list has got to be the “romantic” dinner parties that my two best friends and I would throw for ourselves. We’d get dressed up, do our hair & makeup, and make a fancy dinner, then light candles, put on some Josh Groban, and talk about all our hopes & dreams (and of course, our crushes). Ha! But it was a tough year too--I totally thought I was an adult and deserved to be treated as such, so my mom and I argued about just about everything. It was also my last year in Spokane, the city where I grew up, and my last year as a “kid” living at home with no real responsibilities. So it was sad, too. Needless to say, 2006 was pretty significant in my life so it stands out in my memory.
If any of you are bloggers, I’d love for you to also follow along in this series (I want to read your posts!). In particular, I’d like to tag Laicie, Ann-Marie, and Jessica. Only if you guys want to!
Happy weekend, everyone. Hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane.

I loved reading and learning more about you, Aileen!! I always love when you can check off your "dreams" list and continue making more dreams in hopes they will come true, too - so I loved reading that one! And I also have to admit that my style back then had a lot of American Eagle in it, too! Thanks for tagging me, lovely lady!! Can't wait to play! :)
Thanks Jessica! I guess I've usually had attainable "dreams" that I can work towards--although of course, some things are out of our hands :) I'm excited to read your post!!!
Oh I love this so much!! Aileen, you are so adorable and I love learning more about 2006 Aileen! (Also I totally want to resurrect the "romantic" dinner parties -- that's pretty much the best idea ever. :) Thanks for tagging me! I'm so excited to join in the fun!
Thanks Laicie!! They really were a blast :) Can't wait to read your post!
How fun is this post? I did this in high school (looking back on those distant middle school years, haha) and still love looking back at all that has changed as the years go by. :)
Yes! It's really fun to see how much has changed--and yet, how much is still the same.
Loved to read this! Love your Life Plan.:) There is affordable country property on this side of the state! HA!
Thank you Debbie! I know....it's true, there is!
What a fun post! Happy Friday! :)
You too, Michelle :)
I loved reading this! I remember those days! Josh groban...smallville...American eagle. :)
Haha, yep! The good ol' days.
I absollutly love this! To see how much we've grown and change (or not) our goals ;).
LOve to read yours NOW&THEN AiIleen :)
Sounds just like me last year and a touch of this year, in regards to your Mum. I'm seventeen. But I'm not doing half the cool stuff you were doing then hahahaha.
So fun to read this.. boy have things changed, huh?
Haha, yes they have. But it's so fun to look back on those days--like the whales you sent me!!! Made my day.
I love this idea, thank you so much for sharing. I also decided to join in! http://brightandillustrious.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/now-then.html
love your blog and read it daily, so inspirational :) xx
Thanks for sharing! So fun to read your post. I'm really glad you joined in :)
I have to admit that I loved this post! It's always interesting to learn about a bloggers life in the past, and I'm definitely going to have to do this post. I'm off to read the other ones as well. :)
Love your blog! This post is such a good idea! I totally agree with the trusting in the Lord one. It's a lifelong lesson but a wonderful one! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog! (: