I just realized it's been forever since the last time I did a giveaway. Hopefully this makes up for it--it's definitely a good one! I have been wanting some colorful Eames chairs for a long, long time (remember this post?), so I am super excited to show you my new fiberglass shell chairs from Modernica. I'm in love with them! And here's the really exciting part--one of you will also win the same chair, so we can totally be twinsies. Yay! You'll get to choose from any of the 35 colors that Modernica offers.
I had a really hard time choosing my colors (they're all soo pretty), but in the end I went with pink and sunflower yellow. They definitely fit well with the color scheme in our house, and I love how bright and cheery they are. If I was to get a couple more, I also LOVE the breeze and grass green colors. And magenta!
Now for the part you guys really want to hear about…the giveaway!
These are just a few of the color options you could choose from. Check out the rest on Modernica, and use the Rafflecopter below to enter the giveaway. Good luck!
Plus, if you've never shopped there before, you should definitely check out their other furniture and accessories. These are a few of the things on my wish list: a George Nelson pendant light, a Case Study planter, anything from their bentwood series (I love this dresser, and I also wrote about the nightstands here), and this wire chair. Let’s be honest...everything they sell is beautiful!
What are your favorite Modernica pieces? And what color would you get, if you won the fiberglass shell chair?
Thanks to Modernica for partnering with me on this post!

I love all the colors!
The chairs look amazing! If I won, I would get the pastel green one.
Loving the periwinkle color! Such an adorable hue :)
I love all the colors but probably white.
I like Jadeite!
I would get a mint green. They look perfect for you Aileen!
I love soooo many colors but after seeing your yellow one, I really love it!
Boring, but I would love white! Or that robins egg blue. Or navy!
Love these chairs! I'd choose white with the maple/black wire frame!
I would definitely choose the white with maple and zinc legs! So classy!
Oh, those spring colors are delicious! Maybe it's because I just found out I'm expecting a baby girl, but that soft pink just calls to me. Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!
I think I would have to choose breeze!
I'd go with indigo!
I would love yellow!
i love the yellow one! It would make me so happy! :)
I've always loved the white! This is such an awesome giveaway!!
Moving into my new house and modern farmhouse inspired all white kitchen I would put this chair at my built in desk in mint green ! Oh man please pick me... This would be a great follow up Instagram to tag you all in when I move in June!
The peacock one is great. I also like breeze (light blue).
I would love the white with maple and zinc! So classy and would be much prettier as a desk chair then one of my kitchen chairs I move back and forth!
Love! I was just looking at this style of chair to buy last night. I'd choose white.
I love the mint green color!!
Love the pale pink one - so many great colors to choose from! I think I'd use this as a new office chair.
I loved this chair! My favorite one is the yellow.
Yellow!! Perfect In My Closet/ Art Room Space! ☺️
I love the white- clean and classic, but could also go for the grass green for a pop of color in my gray/white living room!
I love the mint green!
I'm torn between the yellow and magenta. They are so pretty!
I have been loving the ghost chair forever, but if I got to choose the fiberglass shell chair, it would be the peacock color!
absolutely the pink!
Pink. Or red. Or baby blue. I can't decide!
they are all so vibrant! So beautiful.
yellow, always yellow. Love these!
I would want ALL of the colors, but probably jadeite!
They all look so awesome! The Meyer Lemon and the Breeze would be my choices though. ;P
i just bought a new house. as much as i LOVE color, i think i'd choose a classic white chair for my dining room table (that i have yet to pick out).
What's not to love about that minty green chair??
I would choose PSA Magenta.
Such a fun way to add color! I love the yellow!
Oh goodness, there are so many to choose from! I LOVE the colors you chose and how they look with your dining area, especially the pink (and I also love the Breeze color, too!).
These chairs are so great! I love the colors you chose to go in your dining room. For my place I would either get the white or elephant with the walnut and black wire legs. :)
I am loving the royal blue! Although, goodness, all the colors are awesome!
I would have to choose the Pumpernickel color if I won this chair. Such a fun style for a chair!
In love with these chairs! I would go with either breeze, jadeite, or white!
I would have to do the mint green I think...but if I do end up winning, I'll probably take a while to narrow it down again:)
I think I'd go with a classic white, as it works with any decor!
The magenta is stunning!
the pink chair is my favorite.
I think I want the mint one!
I would want white or mint!
Ooh, what a great giveaway! I love the magenta and the breeze. They're all so pretty.
Gosh! I think that I'd want the blue...or maybe the green? They're all so wonderful!
i really love the dark blue shirt.
I would die for the pink or mint one!
This is fantastic; I've been obsessed (with thanks to your post) but didn't know the brand :) I would choose the robin's egg blue!
I think id go w a blue!
Best giveaway ever!! So many fun colors! I really like the white one as a classic though too :)
I'd pick the red
Fabulous giveaway! I absolutely love the pink you chose, not sure my husband would let me get away with that though ;) I think purple in our bedroom is enough for him!
I love that pink!
Love the blue chair! Great giveaway :)
I would love the "Jadeite" color... such a pretty green!
Wow, what an awesome giveaway. I've been super into these chairs lately. They have such fun colors! I'll definitely be checking out their site! I am loving the Jadeite color!
It's really hard to pick one, but I think I'd go with Grass.
pink! pink! pink!
Well my son's name is Eames, so I'd love any color! The mint and sunflower are both calling my name, though.
I'd love a classic white one!
These chairs are just scrumptious! Choosing a color will be torturous!
Jadeite for me!!!
I would pick jadeite!! sooo pretty :)
I'd go with Jadeite. All of the colors are lovely
Classic white or mint green- reminds me of my stylish great grandmother and her beautiful mid century decor.
Bright Orange, Blue or Green! It'd be so hard to choose!
I love the jadeite! <3