I post a lot about house stuff on this blog. But for multiple reasons, I think that's going to shift a little. I'm sure I'll still share updates on our home and our plans, but I want to share more of my personal life too. After all, the personal posts are the most fun for me to look back on. My family, our home, our adventures, our travels; the photos and details that I want to remember. The point of a "personal blog" is giving yourself the freedom to chat about whatever you're interested in, right? And currently, to be honest, interior design has kind of moved to the back burner for me. It's still an interest of mine, but I've been more drawn to the intersection of design and money (adding value and investing vs. following trends in decor). That's probably a whole 'nother post though. For now, I wanted to share some photos from last month (June). Ben got to take it off as part of his paternity leave, and it was so refreshing and wonderful to have a month together as a family!
We took a little trip to visit Ben's family on the west side of the state. It felt so GOOD to finally see them in person. Audrey got to meet her cousin Thomas for the first time (he's only about a month older than her), our boys got to play with their other cousins, and we got to catch up with Ben's sister and her husband.
They live near the coast and we both had some time off from work, so we spontaneously decided to book a beach house together. We lucked out and found one in Lincoln City right on the beach that was available the very next day.
I love these photos of the kids in their sunglasses. And Emmett lounging in the wagon with his sandy feet...king of summer.
It was so great being right on the beach...the kids played happily in the sand ALL DAY, and we got to relax and enjoy this pretty, peaceful view.
Of course, the day we attempted to take a family photo was foggy, and none of the kids would smile. :D
Then we headed to Shoreline to visit Ben's parents. After being in Spokane for so many months, going a little stir-crazy at home, it was such a joy to see different people and different views...felt like a true vacation, even if it was just seeing family on the other side of the state!
We had the best weather there! So lucky. We had so much fun taking the kids to the beach in Edmonds, and riding the ferry to Kingston.
I loved seeing our boys bond more with their cousins...since we've gotten home they have talked about them pretty much every day!
Ian turned four while we were on the trip! He is turning into a BIG KID before my eyes...getting so tall, capable, thoughtful, and independent. As the oldest, he leads the play in our house and I love hearing him come up with imaginative ideas and detailed storylines. He is a mix of tough and tender: so active and adventurous and always on the move, but also super sweet to Audrey. He still loves to snuggle, and I am soaking that up as long as he'll let me.
Both the boys are very into construction trucks right now and could dig dirt and rocks ALLLL DAYYY.
Their other current obsession? Garbage trucks and garbage cans. It cracks me up so much. They request (daily) to see inside the cans, turn the wheels, and smell them (yes smell them) and they eagerly anticipate garbage day when they get to roll the cans to the curb and watch for the garbage trucks. It's so cute and hilarious and a little disgusting.
Ian had a great birthday at his grandparents' house, with balloons and presents, lots of cousin time, his choice of dinner (burgers and hot dogs and corn on the cob), as well as homemade ice cream and this very specific cake. He was very detailed about what he wanted: a blue cake that was white on the inside, with blueberries and raspberries in a circle, in a line, and ONE sprinkle in the middle. After he described his cake request, he asked "do you think that would be so beautiful?" Yes we did think so, and Ben made sure to give him exactly what he asked for.
This series of photos, I'm putting here just so I can remember, because it cracks me up. Ian is in this stage where when I ask him to smile, he gives me that "smile" in the first photo. So I tell him to say "poop" and he'll yell POOOP as loud as he can, resulting in a real and genuine smile. I think I might have scandalized his grandparents, but otherwise all his photos would have that hilarious grimace. :D
Emmett, darling Emmett...two is such a precious and adorable age. I love the way he talks, I love the way his hair curls, I love the way he runs (he gives it his all), the way he eats (with gusto), and the way he grabs my face so earnestly when he really wants me to pay attention (see below). He is just SO CUTE right now. He is full of opinions and ideas, he's eager to help, he loves his brother and sister, and he's brave and tough. This kid loves to run and climb, and he's fearless (which makes me very afraid).
Told you. GUSTO.
He also loooves his daddy and often requests "sho sho rides."
And I mean, that sweet smile. I just want to hug him tight and kiss those cheeks!!!
Audrey is also in such a fun stage. She's 6 months old! Sitting, scooting(!!), and full of smiles and giggles. And she has the BEST arm rolls and leg rolls! She adores her brothers and enjoys a lot of love and attention from them all day, although sometimes it's a bit TOO much!
She really is such a joy. My easiest baby (although maybe it's just getting easier because we have more experience now).
We gave her a little taste of mashed avocado (her first food) while we were at her grandparents' house...she was like, "nahhh." I have been lazy about feeding her solids, but I'm going to get more intentional about it now that we're back home.
I think that's a good photo to end on!
We also have some pretty big news to share, but that update deserves its own post...so check back soon. :) I hope you guys are doing well and staying healthy. Lots of love to you all.