
Kids & Exercise: Building Healthy Habits for Life

This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.

Our job as parents is to prepare our kids with the skills they will need throughout their lives. Sure, that includes helping them to read and write...but more than that, it's about the habits they form early in life that will stick for the long-haul. Habits like how they deal with their emotions, what they eat, and how much they exercise. One of the biggest battles parents have today is getting kids off the couch. We all know exercise is incredibly important, but if we don't partake in it ourselves, it's kind of hypocritical to expect our children to. So a lot of these life lessons start with us and the behavior we model for our kids. Luckily, it's never too late to start healthy new routines, and if you have young kids like me, the time is now.

kids & exercise

Provide The Right Environment

The activities you do as a family are very important and influential to kids. If your TV is always on and is a big focal point in your living room, then you're teaching your kids to sit down in front of the screen all day. Instead, turn off the TV or better yet, get rid of it or move it to a less central room. Then plan some fun activities where you can bond together as a family, like going for an evening walk or bike ride, or getting a ping pong table or a trampoline for the yard. If you don't have the room or the budget for a trampoline, there are plenty of small and inexpensive things can help facilitate new activities. A Frisbee, a slack line, badminton equipment...just see what grabs your kids' attention.

Focus On Fun

What's the reason children don't want to exercise? Maybe they think it's boring compared to the on-screen entertainment they're used to. It's our job to show kids that exercise is more fun and exciting than sitting on a couch with a remote. Teach kids to play classic games like tag or duck duck goose, where they're running around and getting the heart pumping without even realizing it. If they're ready for more of a challenge, you can add in new rules like off-ground tag or "hot lava monster" where they are unable to touch the ground or they become "it." Getting them out of the house and into a new environment will also feel more fun--like the beach, a new playground, a pool, or an indoor trampoline park.

Set The Example

The best way to encourage our kids to have fun getting exercise, is to lead by example. If they see us playing games, walking around, running, and so forth, then they will be interested. Plus, fitness isn't just for kids. It's necessary and beneficial for adults too--not just physically, but mentally as well. You'll feel stronger, healthier, and happier and that makes you a better parent overall. It's not just about losing weight, it's about providing a healthy example to our kids! If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is.

Spark Their Competitive Spirit

Kids respond to competition (I think all humans do), so a good way to get them interested in exercise is by engaging their natural competitiveness. Challenge them to a race in the park. Have a ping pong tournament or play a game of P-I-G. Sign up together for local fun runs. As they get older, see what sports they're interested in signing up for. Encouraging competition can be healthy, and will allow them to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they win. This competitive spirit can motivate them throughout their life, beyond sports.

If we want our children to be healthy and happy (and I think we all do), then exercise is an important life skill to teach them, along with the right diet. Physical activity benefits the brain as well as the body, and sets our kids up for less illness and pain throughout their lives. Summer is the perfect time to get our kids outside and moving!

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