Things are arriving for our kids bathroom remodel, and we are about to get started on the demo! This is happening...yay!!! But first, I wanted to share a couple before pictures of what this room looks like as of today. I didn't want to rent a wide angle lens for the before pictures, so we're working with some grainy phone pics here, sorry. But you get the gist: standard oak vanity, speckled brown countertop, tan walls, and builder grade tiles. It's functional, but has pretty much zero personality and style. I cannot wait to make it prettyyyy!
I'm STILL trying to decide on a mirror! I don't actually hate the simple frameless mirror that's here. But I don't like the plastic clips that it's mounted with. What do you think, is there hope for a basic mirror if I find a more appealing way to hang it? Or if I buy a new mirror, what would you go with? This is my top contender right now...it's a simple rectangle with a thin metal frame. I also love this mirror from Rejuvenation, but it's quite a bit more expensive, and I keep reminding myself...this is a kid's bathroom.
Want a hint of what the after bathroom will look like? Here are a few of the elements that have arrived so far.
Patterned tiles, chrome faucet, marble top for the vanity (this is the sidesplash), and wood ledges for above the toilet. I think we're going to paint the walls a very light grey, and there will also be a good dose of blue in this room with the painted vanity!
For those of you wondering which style we ended up with, THIS is the vanity we decided on. Navy seemed like a good compromise between using color and keeping it classic. I knew we wouldn't get sick of it over the years, and we could make it feel younger or more sophisticated with the surrounding accessories. I really debated between this vanity and the other navy option (Robertson). I liked the modern aesthetics of that one, but we chose the Keller vanity because it had more storage space. We knew that storage would be essential for a kids bathroom, especially as they get older. After seeing it in person, I think we made the right choice! It's beautiful and really high quality. I think it will be a great centerpiece for this bathroom. I can't waaiiiit to see the whole room come together. It's going to be quite the transformation!
P.S. If you missed my first post about our bathroom plans (and all the vanities we considered), you can catch up here.

I am perplexed by why you so dislike the plastic clips. In your master bath I totally get it. But in the kids bathroom. Will anyone barring you, ever notice or care? Doubtful. The mirror is fine spend your money on something else that really makes a difference. My 5 pence of advice.
Thanks for your advice! I think that's true, nobody else will even notice or care. I tend to obsess over little details, but in this case I think you're right: it's not worth spending the $ on something so insignificant.