I already shared this house on Instagram, but I love it so much I figured I'd put it here too. It's probably my favorite house that I've found so far through @insidespokane, for multiple reasons. First of all, it's super cute and stylish, like it could seriously be in domino magazine. But secondly, I love that the owner, local photographer Deneise Bucko, is financially wise. She buys the majority of her furnishings from thrift stores (like 75%), rarely eats out, and has her house fully paid off. Those qualities align so well with my personal goals...to have a home I love and am proud of, but also to be super frugal and get our finances in order.
She got that sofa for $40 at a local thrift store. What a steal, amiright?!
Deneise says she thrifts because she's "cheap" (she also purposely shops the thrift stores that give a coupon when you donate)...but also because she doesn't want her house to be like everyone else's. You can also get better quality at thrift stores, too, like real wood and not just particleboard. I asked if she had any secrets to finding the good stuff, and she said the key is to go often and be patient. Ok, noted! I need to start taking my kids on more thrift store adventures!
Deneise lives in a fairly small house, which in fact she calls her "shoebox." To make it feel more spacious, she uses mirrors, furniture that allows light to come through, white walls, and lots of neutrals with pops of color. She also said less is more on the wall hangings--by keeping your walls less cluttered, it makes your home feel larger.
Gorgeous house (right here in Spokane!), and great advice too, right?? I'm super inspired!