
Home Sweet Home

Last Thursday, after 34 days in the NICU, Ian finally got to come home! YAY!!! I will always be grateful to the doctors and nurses who took care of him there, but man, I was SO ready to get out--I basically spent the entire month of July inside a hospital. And it has been so wonderfully sweet having him home at last! No more wires and tubes, no more saying goodbye at night, no more driving back and we can snuggle whenever we want. :) Ian is now 5 lb 15 oz (up from 3 lb 5 oz at birth) and 18.5 inches long (up from 16.5). The last thing he had to conquer before coming home was learning how to feed on his own instead of through a feeding tube. It took him awhile to get interested, but once he started he progressed really fast and was able to came home over a week sooner than we'd anticipated! It was the best early anniversary gift for us. We celebrated six years of marriage yesterday, with lots of Ian time, pizza at home, and our first stroller walk to get froyo. It was simple and perfect! 




I'm so happy Ian is home, and can't wait for all the adventures ahead! Thanks for sticking around and still reading this blog, even though I hadn't written in over a month (!!). Now that I'm not at the hospital all day, I'm excited to get back into blogging too!

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  1. Posted by Liz on Monday, August 1st, 2016

    Wonderful news! Precious! And I would not blame you one bit if blogging frequency didn't return. I'd still check back! Occasional is good with me!
  2. Posted by Sarah on Monday, August 1st, 2016

    So so happy for you guys!! Happy anniversary also :) love you!!
  3. Posted by Sofie on Monday, August 1st, 2016

    Congratulations! You two must be over the moon. I hope you take as much time as you need to ease back into blogging- we'll understand. What a crazy month it has been for your family. So glad to see that all is well.
  4. Posted by caslyn on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

    i'm glad he's home and now i'll have some blog posts to read again!!! :D you guys are so cute.
  5. Posted by Debbie on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

    So glad you are home! He is such a precious little one. 2 plus pounds and 2 inch growth, Awesome!!! Eating, sleeping and growing, the newborns job. He's doing well :). So thankful you are all healing and are all home together.