Yesterday was the perfect Seattle day. High 80’s, sunshine, and the most beautiful sunset ever. When it’s that nice in Seattle, you don’t sit inside and write a blog post. You go for a run at the beach, then take a cold shower and head back outside for a walk with your husband, popsicles in hand. And that’s exactly what I did!
Photo via Best Friends For Frosting
I’m hoping this weekend will be just as nice, but it looks like rain may be on it’s way. Sighhhhh….oh well, that’s why we have to appreciate and take advantage of every perfect day we get here. And I think we Seattleites do appreciate sunny weather more than people in most cities…everyone was in a good mood here yesterday! Hope you all are having awesome weather too. And I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

enjoy those Popsicle's and the sun!
Those look so yummy! I'm totally ready for popsicle weather!