This post contains some affiliate links, and I was sent some products to review. All opinions are my own.
The saying "it's better to give than to receive" is never truer than when it comes to gifting toddlers. There's just something sooo fun about seeing their little faces light up and watching them discover how to do something new. Of course, you don't need fancy, expensive toys...a box of Kleenex, a stack of Tupperware, or an empty cardboard box will entertain them just as well. Ian has spent quite a lot of time playing with all of the above. But still, it's fun to get your kid a new (real) toy every once in awhile, and Christmas is the perfect excuse! Here are some toys we've either recently gotten and love, or have our eyes on for the near future.
1. Dreamy play kitchen - I want this adorable play kitchen for Ian, and I want a real-life kitchen like this for myself!
2. Toy shopping cart - This has been Ian's favorite toy for the past few months. He loves pushing it around and "shopping" our house.
3. Personalized books by Wonderbly - Put in your child's name and a few other details, and they create a custom, unique book with your kid as the hero. Such an awesome idea!
4. Play mat with roads - Add some wooden cars for a fun gift set that also looks good.
5. Water reveal coloring pads - A refillable water pen unveils hidden pictures, without any mess. Perfect for kids that are learning to draw and color, but are still too young for crayons (Ian just wants to eat them). Also genius for traveling!
6. Darling hot cocoa set - Part of Target's new "Hearth & Hand" line by Joanna Gaines. Super cute.
7. Building blocks - Ian can spend hours playing with these, and they're great for building up (ahaha) his coordination and imagination!
8. Ride-on fire truck - For your adorable little firefighter.