One of these years, I'm going to be really on top of it and have a bunch of gift guides ready to publish the first week of December...you know, for the crafter, the baker, the candlestick-maker, and everyone else on your list. However, this is not that year. I was starting to feel like I was too late to post gift guides at all (is it just me or did it seem like "the holiday season" started extra early this year??) but since I already have lists going for Ben, myself, and Ian, I decided to do three posts--him, her, and baby. Hopefully these will give you some gift ideas that you haven't already seen...and if not, they can at least serve as wish lists for us to refer to. Today's gift guide is for "him"...in other words, a bunch of stuff that Ben would really like, or that he's recently received and given his stamp of approval.
1. Zoom lens: This would be Ben's big-ticket item. He's really been wanting a zoom lens for outdoor photography.
2. Drone with video: Actually, maybe this would be his big-ticket item. A high flying drone (with great reviews) that can also shoot quality video.
3. Leather messenger bag: Because right now he's using a backpack for work.
4. Inspiring travel photography book: I already got him this book by his favorite photographer (he loves it), as well as the kid's book to for Ian so they can be all father-son matchy-matchy.
5. Handmade ceramic mug: Ben really likes mugs that are inverted at the top ("the coffee stays hot longer!") and this one also happens to be super cute.
6. Beard oil: Lastly, a smaller item (that would make a great stocking stuffer!) so he can kiss Ian's cheeks without scratching them and so he can smell like sandalwood all day.
What are some other gifts that have been hits with the men in your life? I'm always gathering ideas!