This part of winter is always the hardest to get through. The holidays are over, it’s rainy and cold out, and we still have a ways to go until spring. My tendency is to want to curl up inside and watch TV every night, because it’s easy and comfortable and warm…but like I mentioned in this post, I’m really trying to spend my time in more valuable ways this year. I watched this video about the time we have in jellybeans, and it made me really determined to spend more of my precious free time actually doing something, rather than just zoning out in front of a screen all the time. So Ben and I have been trying to go on more dates together--not necessarily fancy or expensive ones, but just going out and doing stuff, outside of our normal routine. This past weekend, we went to Discovery Park here in Seattle. I’ve been there before and seen the lighthouse, but it’s a huge park and one part I’d never seen is the old officers' housing. So I convinced Ben to take me there. It was grey and drizzly, but instead of letting the weather stop us or be an excuse to stay home, we went anyways…and it was a lot of fun!
These beautiful yellow houses used to be Navy housing, and there’s a whole row of them that are all the same color. I absolutely LOVED them. They totally reminded me of our trip to the South, with their big porches and columns (not a lot of houses in Seattle are built that way). Plus, I thought it was so cute how they all matched! And that color of yellow was like a ray of sunshine on a grey day.
Along with the sunshine-yellow houses, I also brought my own rainbow…in the form of a stack of bracelets from Kluster! I love all their bright, happy colors. Even something as small as a new bracelet in a fun color can be a mood-lifter, ya know what I mean?
If you like them too, you can get 30% off purchases of $100+ with the code ATHOME (expires 2/28). They also have really cute earrings and necklaces, in every color of the rainbow!
Those are a couple of the ways that I'm getting through the post-holiday blues: getting outside and doing something new, even if the weather sucks and I don’t feel like I’m "in the mood,” and treating myself to little things like happy jewelry. What about you? I’d love to hear your tips and strategies for making it through this part of winter. And if you live in Seattle, do you have any suggestions that Ben and I should check out for a future date day?
Also, if you haven’t seen the jellybeans video that I mentioned in the first paragraph, I put it below. Watch it--it’s a good one.
Thanks to Kluster Happy Jewelry for partnering with me on this post.

this part of winter is so hard! I find the other 3 seasons so inspiring, but struggle with winter inspiration. love your capture of the yellow houses!
I totally agree! The first snow is inspiring and beautiful, and I like the holidays...but after that--I'm SOOO over it. Can it be spring yet?
You should check out some of the museums around Seattle during the rainy/yucky season. If you have a library card, you can usually score free passes! http://www.spl.org/library-collection/museum-pass
That's a great idea! Thanks, Susan :)
Love the video! It's good to live each day for what really matters. We really never know how many days we have. We do have today. :)
So true! I'm glad you liked the video :)
love those bracelets and yellow houses! ah color!
Thanks! It's funny how something like COLOR can make such a big difference in mood (at least for me). Bright colors are getting me through these grey days...