Last year, I posted my personal photos from Instagram almost every month, but I haven't done one of those updates in a awhile. You guys still interested in them? Or do you already follow me on Instagram and/or not care? Let me know, so I don't totally bore you! I also thought I could mix in a few of my iPhone photos that didn't make it onto Instagram, so there's at least something new for those of you that already follow me. Here's what my February looked like, according to my phone!
We started off the month with a family trip to beautiful Whistler. I didn't ski or snowboard (I know, what a loser), but I still had a lot of fun checking out Whistler for the first time. Ben and I are thinking of coming back sometime in the summer, when it's less crowded and less expensive, so we can explore the area a bit more in the sun (looks like there's great hiking, beautiful lakes, and plenty to do). But it was definitely nice to be there in the winter too! All the snow-covered trees were absolutely gorgeous, and it was fun to watch all the really good snowboarders and skiers.
We also rode the Peak 2 Peak gondola one day, which is the highest and longest lift in the world. It spans the distance between Whistler and Blackcomb peaks, and is 1,427 feet high at it's tallest point!
Of course, while we were in Canada, I had to get some Canadian candy. Their chocolate Smarties are so much better than our powdery, sugary ones.
We didn't have the greatest weather while we were in Whistler, but it was absolutely gorgeous on the day we drove back--sunny and clear. We stopped for ice cream at a cute family-owned dairy right after we crossed the border. They had the best ice cream for $2 a cone (!!). It really felt like we went from winter to summer in one day.
The good weather has (for the most part) continued since we got back to Seattle. I feel like we're definitely superclose to spring! The cherry trees on our street already started blossoming last week, and I've seen lots of other flowers starting to bloom around town.
We've still had a several rainy, cold days though...and on those days, I've just been holed up inside, reading and watching movies (I posted some suggestions in this post).
My other favorite rainy day activity? Getting coffee with Ben and chatting about all of our plans for this year!
One of those plans is to buy a house, as I've mentioned a couple of times. I now scope out houses every time I go for a walk. I've been playing a game where I try to guess how some of the cute houses in our neighborhood are worth, then write down the address and see how close I am on Zillow. That's not creepy or anything, right? Haha. Anyways, there are very few houses for sale in our target areas right now, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that spring looks better, or we'll have to keep renting.
A few other photos I took this month and never posted? These conversation hearts, for Valentine's Day.
These yummy and colorful macarons, which I bought for a blog post (coming soon!).
This adorable backdrop my sister-in-law put together for my niece and nephews' birthday fiesta.
And this yummy cinnamon roll that Ben made! He's actually made two batches of cinnamon rolls in the last two weeks, and they are sooo good. I'm gonna get really fat.
How was your month?? Does it feel like spring yet, where you live?

Lovely photo's!! Amazing how you went from that gorgeous snow capped mountain, back home to cherry blossoms all in one month! We are 2-3 weeks behind you with spring, so your photo's always give me hope that our blossoms will arrive soon! Enjoy it! :)
I hope you get your spring blossoms soon!
Your Smarties are called "Rockets" here in Canada! exactly the same candy and packaging, just different names!
Oh, funny! I never knew that. Next time I'm in Canada, I'll have to look for them!
The flower backdrop is perfect! Do you know how your sister created it?
Yes! She made them out of tissue paper. Search for "Mexican tissue paper flowers" for some tutorials :)