I wrote a blog post for Apartments.com that went live yesterday, titled 10 Reasons You Need Some Indoor Plants. But I feel like a fraud sharing it because (sadly) almost all of our houseplants died during the move! So I really need to take my own advice and get us some new plants for the house. Because after all, I really believe what I wrote...plants improve your mood, add color, purify the air, and more. And in the winter (which is coming TOO SOON, I'm not ready!), indoor plants are even more crucial, since there's less greenery to enjoy outside. What are some of your favorite easy-to-care-for plants? And do you ever go faux, or are you all about real plants?
This fiddle leaf fig is the only plant I've gotten since we moved, and I have high hopes of keeping it alive (and getting it to grow)! Let me know if you have any tips. :) I was actually very tempted to get a faux one, but I decided to give myself a chance with a real one first. I've always loved these, trendy or not!