This weekend I did a little quick DIY that is so easy, it's really kind of silly. But I thought I'd share anyways! We finished up a bottle of hand soap and I noticed the shape of the bottle looked kind of like a little bud vase. So I thought, why not? I always have a hard time throwing things away--I have milk bottles, tin cans, soda bottles, etc. that I've hung on to because I think they might come in handy later (and oftentimes, they do). All you fellow semi-hoarders out there, here's a good reason to hang on to your empty soap dispensers!
Literally, all I did was spray paint an empty Method soap dispenser bottle. You could saw the top part off (where the pump screws in) if you want, but I don't mind the way it looks. Isn't it cute how the billy balls match the ball fringe on my living room drapes?
Here it is, mixed in with some other things on our mantel! The mirror is a new piece I picked up from Goodwill this weekend, and the crock is new as well (it's from Spokane--my hometown--so I couldn't resist when I saw it at the antique mall by my work).
The metal globe is another one of our favorite knick-knacks. We got it at a flea market in San Diego when we were on vacation--for $3! Oh, and the billy balls in the vase are from our wedding...they're dried now, but still cute.
If you're in need of a vase, why not rescue something from the trash and spray paint it? I really like bud vases, because you can stick just one stem in there and it looks good--or three small ones, like I did. What projects have you all been working on? I did a bunch over the weekend, so I'll have more to share over the next couple weeks!

that's remarkably cute! :)
kw, Ladies in Navy
Too cute :). I have always loved the shape of the method bottles. Never thought to keep. (part of the problem is I have a plethora of bud vases.) cute project!
You can never have too many bud vases!
Nice Work Aileen!! ADORABLE.. love your mantel too!
Thank you Amy!
Now I'm mad that I've thrown away so many of these bottles :-) Love this idea!
I've thrown a lot away too. Luckily, they're not very expensive and we go through them pretty fast. I'm glad you like this idea!