Hi friends! Lexy from The Proper Pinwheel here! So happy I was able to brainwash Aileen into letting me hang out here for a day and share an easy little project with you! I’m a huge fan of pie. In any form. Now that Autumn is upon us, it’s perfectly acceptable to devour pie every day until Christmas. The weather is a little more chilly and crisp. When you have friends over, give them something that keeps them warmed and entertained. These pie letters are just the ticket and are perfect if you are having a pumpkin carving party!
· 1 Pillsbury Pie Crust
· Butter Knife
· Egg Wash
· Cinnamon & Sugar Mixture
Let your pie crust come to room temperature. Using your butter knife, cut long, thin strips from the crust. Roll and twist the strips to form letters. You can twist them in cursive if you choose. Brush the letters with a little egg wash to help seal the places where the pie crust crosses. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon & sugar and bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 minutes.
Serve with hot apple cider and enjoy! Make a bunch of letters to let people create their own words, or choose the words for them! Either way, they’ll get eaten!
Lexy Ward is the founder and editor of The Proper Pinwheel, a DIY blog that celebrates all things entertaining. She currently lives in Denver with her husband and their dog, Tagg. Their first baby girl just arrived, and she is super adorable!

How fun -- and delicious! :)
these are super cute!
kw ladies in navy
Love it! What a cute idea!
Super cute!!
ADORABLE! What a cute and way easy idea, this is wonderful.
I would like to place cursive letters on a pie. Would you please tell me how I could go about doing that? I am really interested in doing something different with pies, and this lettering and decorating would be so much fun and it would give a great look to the pie. I am doing minis and regular size pies.