I’m starting the week with a DIY--yay! I’ve had this one planned in my head forever. Remember this post I wrote way back in January? Yep, I’ve been meaning to make this project since then. In fact, I had all the supplies gathered and sitting in our guest room, and just kept putting it off. I finally had some time to finish it this weekend, and I don’t know why I waited so long…it took me less than a half hour to complete! So don’t be intimidated.
You will need:
A vase that looks kind of like a head (I found this one at a thrift store for $2!)
White spray paint
A pencil (I know there's a Sharpie in the picture, but I decided a pencil would be better)
White puff paint
Start by spray painting the vase white, using multiple thin coats. Once the paint is dry, lightly draw your face with pencil. You can practice on some paper first, to get an idea for what you want. If you mess up, no worries--you can just erase the pencil and resketch it.
Trace the pencil marks with your puff paint. Let it dry completely.
Give the vase one last coat of white spray paint, to cover any pencil marks and even everything out. Then fill with flowers or plants--whatever you want.
That’s it! Such an easy way to make your own face vase. I think it looks decently similar to the Jonathan Adler ones, and the whole thing cost me less than $5, since I already had a pencil and white spray paint.
Hope you like this project! Let me know if you try it.

So cute! I like yours better than the "real" ones! :)
Aww, thank you!! Yeah, the fun part of making your own is you can make it look like whatever you want.
Wow! What a great idea. Your face vase really looks fantastic. Definitely have to try that on my own. Thank you so much for your inspiring post!
Warm wishes, Amelie
Thanks, Amelie! I'd love to see a photo if you try it :)
I've seen some DIY face vases before, but they were a bit too complicated. Your puffy paint method is so much easier and looks just as good!
Thanks, Elsa! So glad to hear that. I'm all about making DIYs as easy as possible. :)
Super cute! Lovely DIY :)
Thanks Lana!! xoxo