It was my birthday last month (a big one...thirty!!!) and I got a wide angle lens. I've been wanting one for awhile and when a friend asked me to take some real estate photos, that was the extra excuse I needed to justify it. Now that I have the new lens, I am KICKING myself for not getting it sooner!!! I've been blogging for seven years, taking pictures of my home, struggling to get shots of smaller spaces, squeezing into closets and pressing up to corners. And now...it's so easy! I can't believe the difference. In case you've been considering a wide angle lens, I thought it would be fun to show a couple of comparisons. My other lens (which I still love and use all the time) is a 35mm. It's perfect for photos of people, detail shots, and everyday life. My new lens is a 17-40 mm. It's perfect for interior photos and times where you need to get a wider shot. I like that it doesn't distort the edges too much (no weird fish eye) and the price was reasonable.
Here's a shot of the kids bathroom with the 17mm lens (above)...vs. the same angle with the 35mm (below).
And here's one of the guest bedroom with my wide angle lens...
vs. the same angle with my 35mm lens.
And the guest room from another angle. Now you can actually tell there's a rug and a piano in here...and cute pom poms along the edge of the quilt!
I know it's not an exciting "before & after" in terms of style and design...but I wanted to share the difference! I'm pretty impressed.
We have some big changes coming to our house next month, and after that I'm thinking I'll do a whole house tour with the wide angle lens. I'd love to show some (actual) before & afters of the house from when we first moved in, til now. It'll be two years in July! Although we're updating the house at a slower pace than a lot of bloggers, and certainly at a much slower pace than the designers and house flippers I follow, I'm still really happy with all the improvements we've managed to make in the past couple years!