I’ve had my new phone for a couple weeks now, but I’ve put off getting a case for it because I want to get a cute one and a lot of my favorite stores don’t have iPhone 6 cases yet. But I’m kind of a klutz and I’m afraid if I don’t get a case, I’m going to drop my phone and crack the screen! So I did a little digging around to see if I could find some iPhone 6 cases that I like. Good news, I found a few contenders! What do you think? Do you have a favorite out of all of these? Have you seen any other stores that are selling cute iPhone 6 cases? If so, please share--the pickings are kind of slim right now…
1. Dahlia - $39.99 / 2. Wooden Geo - $35 / 3. Neapolitan Stripe - $28.50 / 4. Painter’s palette - $28.50 / 5. Garden Blooms - $35
I have to say, even though there aren’t a ton of options out there, I do think all of these are pretty cute and I would be happy with any of them. I’m kind of leaning towards 4 or 5 right now. Opinions?

I like 2 and 4!!! :)
Thanks, Courtney!
I think that’s the one I’m going to get!!
love those last two!
ladies in navy
Thanks, Kelsey!
I love # 1! I just got a clear case on line for my gold 6 Plus. I like it as is, but can change it with a cute paper liner if I need a change. I miss my gold chevron 4s case.
Nice! Yeah, I’m sure there will lots more cute cases in the near future. But for now, that clear case sounds great! I like that you have the ability to switch it up…and the phone itself is actually quite pretty so it’s nice that a clear case can protect it but also show it off at the same time.
I love 4 and 5! :-) They look so happy and bright! And it is also very handy when you have to clean it. I also had my iPhone 6 for a few weeks now and I got a dusty pink case in leather from Apple, gifted by my husband. It's a pastel colored case, and although I love it, I'm always afraid the leather will get stained quickly... So 4 and 5 look so nice to me! I'm thinking about getting a second case too, just in case mine would get dirty. ;-)
Good point! Although your case does sound lovely too.
#5! Darling. I am getting the iphone 6 too so this is helpful to know who has cases in stock. Thanks!
Yay! Glad this was helpful :)
GUH, I want the 6 so bad!!! My 5 got stolen after only 2 months of having it, so I've been using an old 4 since and waiting until my contract is up for renewal. These cell phone games!
Also, #5 forever <3 LOVE IT.
Aww, that sucks! Hope your contract is up soon...
Believe it or not, Etsy has some great ones. I got this one:
Nice! I ended up getting one from Etsy too :) YAY.