Inspiring People
A couple weeks ago, I shared 10 of my favorite Instagram accounts to follow. It was a fun post to put together, and there are sooo many more awesome accounts that I I thought, maybe I could make this a semi-regular thing? Let me know if you like that idea or not! This week, I’m sharing nine of my faves, but with a twist…all of these girls are from […]
I've never really participated in #FollowFriday before, but today I thought I'd share a few of my favorite Instagram accounts to get inspired by! I purposely picked ladies that have under 20k followers, so hopefully you'll discover some new (to you) gems. And I'd love to know...who are your favorite IGers to follow? Tell me in the comments so I can check them out! 1. @homeyohmy: Amy comes up with […]
Over the weekend, I stumbled across the hashtag #SundayPunday on Instagram and promptly lost about an hour scrolling through it and chuckling to myself. I already showed a bunch to Ben, which he greatly enjoyed tolerated. One of my favorites: “dude, that camping trip was in tents.” Ha! But what’s even better than a great pun is when you find one that's adorably illustrated as well as funny. And that holy grail […]
Have you guys ever heard of Rachel Ryle? I came across her yesterday and I got totally sucked in to her Instagram account. I am now officially obsessed with her stop-motion illustrations. They are so cute and SO impressive! I really need to learn how to make stop-motion videos on my phone. Has anyone else tried them before? Is there an app you use? Do you have any tips or […]