Inspiring People


Making a Builder House Look Custom: Philip or Flop

When we were demo'ing our bathroom, Ben mentioned that it felt wrong to be tearing out something that functions perfectly well just because of aesthetics. I reminded him, that's exactly what we said we wanted: a house that's structurally sound, but with room for cosmetic improvement. And yet, it did feel weird! It's one thing to renovate an older house with obvious damage and wear; it's quite another to remodel […]


Inspired by: Jkath Design Build + Reinvent

Well guys, we hit the one year mark of living in our house (we moved on July 16th last year)! I wanted to do a tour to show you everything we've done in the first year, but honestly, it's pretty messy on a daily basis (that toddler life) and the thought of cleaning and photographing evvverrryyyy single room seems intimidating. Overall, blogging and Instagram have really slowed down for me […]


Inspired by: The Grit & Polish

It's been awhile since I found a blog that made me want to binge-read every single post back to the very beginning. I haven't (yet!), because duh, I have a toddler...but I've definitely been reading a lot of The Grit & Polish since I came across it this week. I'm really inspired by their story: Cathy and her husband Garrett have renovated five houses since 2008, and the rental income from […]


Christmas House Tour: Nalle's House

Happy Friday! I'm sooo ready for the weekend, how about you? It's been raining for the last week and the forecast says we have at least another ten days of it, so I'm hoping to get out of Seattle (at least for a day) this weekend. I don't mind a little rain here and there, but this constant drizzle is getting a bit depressing. And I'm kind of jealous of […]
