Food & Drinks


DIY Pie Letters

Hi friends! Lexy from The Proper Pinwheel here! So happy I was able to brainwash Aileen into letting me hang out here for a day and share an easy little project with you! I’m a huge fan of pie. In any form. Now that Autumn is upon us, it’s perfectly acceptable to devour pie every day until Christmas. The weather is a little more chilly and crisp. When you have friends […]


DIY Mini Caramel Apples

Yesterday was the official first day of fall, so to celebrate I decided to make a classic fall treat...but with a twist! I love caramel apples, but I hate trying to bite into them (they're so big!!) and when you cut them, they can get messy and aren't as cute anymore. So when I saw this picture on Pinterest, a lightbulb went off. Mini caramel apples--of course! I love miniature […]


Star Spangled Watermelon

Happy Fourth of July! I wanted to share a fun last-minute idea to add some patriotism to your table. Use a star shaped cookie cutter to cut up a watermelon and make it super cute and festive! You could also do this with other types of fruit--strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, etc...but watermelon is so easy to cut, and it's red, which makes it perfect for today. All you do is slice […]


A Brunch with Friends

You’s finally Friday!! I’m so ready for the weekend. And what better way to kick it off than with a beautifully styled brunch full of scrumptious looking goodies, amiright? One of my favorite things about the weekend is sleeping in and enjoying a lazy late breakfast. Even better if it's with friends, pie, and beautiful calligraphy! I’m loving the knotted napkin with a few sprigs of greenery tucked in. […]
