I first saw this quote from Vivienne Westwood here, and it really struck a chord with me. I have a tendency to buy things because the are cheap or a “good deal”--even if they aren’t what I really want. Then I end up with a bunch of clutter--stuff that I don’t really love and don’t feel particularly attached to--and guess what? I still have my eye on the things that I wanted to begin with! So I’m making it my new motto to buy less but choose well. It’s actually perfect timing, because Ben and I have started watching Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (have any of you guys done this?). We’ve made ourselves a budget and a plan for our money! This is only our first month of it, but so far I feel really good about it. I find myself being more critical and intentional about my purchases instead of just swiping the card whenever I see something that catches my eye. And less impulse buys means more money saved towards the big things that I’ve been wanting!
There are several things that I’ve been wanting to buy for awhile, but I always find it hard to drop such a big amount on one item. Now I’m realizing that I drop that same amount of money all the time--just spread out over lots of small treats that are soon forgotten. My plan is to be more intentional and selective with what I buy, so I’ll actually be able to get some of the big things that have been on my wish list for a long time. We’re already planning to buy the camera lens on Black Friday and I could not be more excited!!! (although that means this month we’ve been pinching our pennies majorly--we made a big pot of minestrone soup on Monday and have been eating it every day since).
Black Hunter boots: I’ve been wanting these forever! I bought some different rain boots because they were cheaper, but I still want the Hunters… / Wacom Intuos Tablet: So I can add my own handwriting and sketches to posts! / West Elm Kasbah Wool Rug: Our living room floor is still bare. I was going to buy a similar rug that I posted about here, but then it sold out :( I think a rug will make our home 110% cozier this winter, don’t you agree?? / Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L Lens
: We are planning to buy this lens this month--it’s a big purchase so obviously all the other items on this list are on hold for at least another month. I think it will make a huge difference in being able to take photos inside our house, candid shots of people, scenery, and well…just about everything! We like the lens we have but it really crops everything in so it’s hard to get anything besides close-ups. I also want a wide-angle lens eventually, but for now it works to rent one when I need it.
Those are the main items on my “big stuff” wish list. This isn’t to say we aren’t going to eat out anymore or that I’m not going to buy little things ever again (because that would be super lame and not fun at all!), but we feel really good about deciding where we want our money to go and telling it what to do--instead of wondering where it all went at the end of the month. What about you? Do you make a budget every month or do you fly by the seat of your pants? Tell me about it--I’d love to hear what works for you!

A friend and I have been meaning to do FPU and now that I got a job (income) I have good reason! Thanks for the reminder :-)
Best wedding present James got was Dave Ramsey's book. They have taken a live class as a couple. It is a great way to live. Love the quote as well. You have a great plan! Go for it!
I love this philosophy!
We sort of fly by the seat of our pants, but we definitely take our time to ponder large purchases -- this works well, because it also allows us to save money while we ponder :)
Such a good quote! I've been thinking about this a lot this last year, but I need to do better with putting it into action...
What a nice post ! This is my new motto too…. realized I had too many things that were impulse shopping and then did not actually that long of a lifespan in my closet before I wanted to toss it !! So… I am right there with you now - planning for the bigger purchases !!
There is a store in Phoenix, AZ called Last Chance were they sell those same Hunter Rain Boots in black for about $50 dlls in almost brand new condition but they also sell other colors and shorter versions. Just thought you should know, $50 shouldn't be in the "Big Stuff" Wishlist :P
Ahhhh I wish there was a store here that sold them for $50!!! I haven't seen black ones for less than retail.