We’re still keeping up with our monthly budget plans, which we originally started after watching Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It does really help to have a plan for our money at the beginning of the month, and we’re trying to save for a house, so we’ll probably keep doing these monthly budgets for awhile (maybe forever!). Anyways, at the end of the month Ben always has money left over in his fun budget that he rolls over to the next month…but try as I may, I always run out of money in my fun budget by the third week or so. So by the beginning of the next month, I already have a big list of things I want to get! It’s clear who the spender in our relationship is. Plus, it seemed like all of my favorite stores was doing big sales in July, so it was especially hard to stick to my budget last month (ugh). Needless to say, I have a pretty big wish list ready for August. I’ll be starting a new job in a few weeks (I’ll tell you more about that later), so I especially want to get some new clothes, shoes, and accessories. The job I’ve had for the last two years has been very casual, and I feel like my wardrobe has gotten too “schlubby”--lots of tee shirts and sneakers. I don’t need suits or anything for the new job, but I’d like to start with some new clothes that feel fresh and a little more dressy than what I’ve gotten used to.
1. Bistro Mini in black - $52.50 at Madewell (on sale!). / 2. Kate Spade wallet - $106 (on sale as well, although I think this is still way too much to spend for a wallet). Kate Spade does 75% off sales every so often, so I will probably wait until then…but I do really want a new wallet and I think this one is really nice and classic. / 3. D’orsay flats - I can’t decide between stripes or leopard. Both are really cute, both are $79.95. / 4. Gem Shield Collar - $46 on Baublebar. They were doing a 30% off sale last month, but my budget was all used up by then. If they do a big sale again, this is the necklace I wanted to get. / 5. If Baublebar doesn’t do a sale this month, I might get the Seastone necklace from Anthropologie. It’s a little bit more expensive at $58, but I think it’s really pretty.
And that’s not even half of my list! I also really need a nice pair of black skinny pants and some dressier tops. And I’d really like a cute blazer, but I don’t want to spend over $100 for one, so that might be tough. Plus I would like to get some black booties for fall, a cute pair of colorful heels, and some dresses too. Obviously, my budget isn’t going to stretch that far…so I’ll have to make some choices.
What do you think I should get? I love hearing your opinions.
I’m also curious how you guys handle fun purchases, especially if you’re in a relationship. Do you set yourselves personal "fun budgets" every month? Do you check with each other as purchases come up? Do you keep your money separate? Or something else?

i adore this! i actually really need to get on a monthly budget and will be checking out your post. i always find that jewelry and shoe purchases carry so far! always go for the quality bigger items and then scrimp and save and go to old navy for some tees that are cute and will not break the bank! :)
ladies in navy
Yay! And good for you. That is exactly what I'm trying to do--plan for some quality items I really want, and save on the basics. I have a tendency to buy things just because they're cheap and not because I actually WANT them...then they just end up sitting in my closet. So I'm trying to do less of that and be more intentional about my purchases!
Love that you and Ben got to hear Dave Ramsey. His principles are awesome. Elise Blaha on her blog tagged a post on "capsule wardrobe" last week. It might be something that you might like to look at. It's great for keeping clothing expenses controlled. Its so great to budget as you get to see your patterns for spending, and what silly things drain our money away. Keep at it!
I will have to look her post up! Thanks!
if i were you, i'd splurge on a basic madewell dress. they have some great ones! i bought a gray dress last winter that i can wear with boots, flats, heels (if i wore heels), tights vs. no tights, fun belts, all sorts of scarves, sweaters, and jewelry. you can make a grey dress look like all sorts of outfits!
Great advice. I do need a few nice, versatile dresses! I'll have to check out their selection.
Topshop has some cute blazers- most are about $90ish.
I'll also let you in on my fashion secret. If you're looking for a cute cropped one, try the boys section at your local thrift store. I have found some really cute ones there, and they're usually <$8!!
Ahh, that is so smart!! I will have to try that. And I'm going to check out Topshop now too. I've never bought anything from there, but have heard of it several times.