A lot of the times when I get on the internet, I'm pretty task-oriented and focused on getting something in particular done. Other times, I let myself go where the tide takes me, so to speak. I really enjoy that kind of "surfing the net", and it's how I've found a lot of my favorite blogs and inspiration. When I was putting together yesterday's post, I found the photo with the ball fringe drapes on Pinterest, so I followed the link and found this lovely house tour. I'd never heard of Sarah Sandidge before, so I checked out her blog, Lovely Chaos, and read all about her. She seems like such a warm and genuine person, and of course her house is just dreamy.
Like any good stalker, I did a little more digging and googled Sarah, leading me to this interview, in which she tells the story of her house: I don’t feel at home unless I’m in an old house. Our first two homes were old, but the third one we bought was brand new construction; Jay needed a break from fixing things, so I gave in. I was literally depressed for five years. I used to sit around and look at the thin new trim and fake wood doors and sulk. Seems petty, I know, but I was born to live in old houses. So I finally talked Jay into finding another fixer upper. We decided on a budget and started looking. The house we’re in now was ugly and the layout was really bizarre! There was wallpaper everywhere, paneling, dark wood in too many places, and had an addition on the back that was anything but nice. But when we first saw it, we thought, “Potential!” I love that--and I am so glad they got this old house and fixed it up. It's so full of heart and soul, and anything but depressing. How awesome is that "private" door above?
I love how she put feathers in mason jars on the mantel. What a cute and simple idea!
The photo above is my absolute favorite. The drapes are so awesome--I love the detail at the top--and the green tiebacks are adorable too. But it's really those pillows that melt my heart! I am such a sucker for throw pillows--and all three of those are just perfect. With the sheepskin behind them, this looks like the coziest sofa ever to curl up on.
In my googling, I also found this post showing before and after photos of Sarah's kitchen. You've got to head over and see the before--I guarantee you will be inspired by how insanely better it looks now, with butcher block counters and a fresh coat of white paint!
Speaking of white paint, I love what Sarah said about her walls: The very first 'renovation' was removing the carpet and wallpaper throughout the house. Then we painted everything white. I just wanted a clean, fresh start. A blank canvas to work from. But sometimes people come in and ask, 'What color are you going to paint your walls?' Ummm, well, they already are painted! I feel the same way. I mean, in my case I'm sure part of it is my laziness, since we started in a house with white walls. But I actually think white is so bright and fresh, a great backdrop to layer in pops of color in other ways. Dark walls often make me feel a little claustrophobic. I've seen them look beautiful but they're just not my thing.
If you're like me, you always like to see the faces behind a beautiful home...so here are Sarah, her husband Jay, and their adorable kids, Lula and Diesel!
Do you guys ever do a little internet stalking as well? It's normal, right?? Sarah, I'm glad I came across you and I hope you're not creeped out :)
Hope you guys all have an amazing weekend--I'll see you back here Monday!

she has such a beautiful home and i love her words about an old house being home
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Lovely home. Love the texture with her fabric choices. The little reading corner and lots of books!
Totally not creeped out! This was beyond generous. Thanks, Aileen!