This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.
I have several friends who have DIY'd major house projects and I follow a lot of bloggers who do their own home renovations. At the same time, I know a lot of people who hire out every little thing from demo to painting. We fall somewhere in between. We'd always prefer to save money, but sometimes the time and effort to DIY something (with uncertain results) is not worth it to us. So if it's a task we've never done before, we are always trying to figure out whether to hire a professional. Hopefully, choosing correctly will save us money in the long run and keep our home safe. If you're inexperienced like us, certain home repairs will be fine to tackle, and others will be way out of your wheelhouse. So how do you know when to hire help on your house projects?
If You’re Not Finding A Helpful YouTube Tutorial Or Article Online
It's amazing what you can learn with the internet. Always start with research. A helpful YouTube tutorial or article can guide you, and provide enough information for you to feel safe and confident going ahead. However, if you doubt the information you find or it seems complicated, it’s probably better to hire a professional just to be safe. If this goes wrong, you will end up hiring a professional anyways and will have to spend even more money to fix it (not to mention your wasted time).
If You Can’t Find The Materials You Need To Complete The Task
If it's your first time tackling a project, it's likely that you'll need to buy a couple tools. That's to be expected. You might even be able to borrow those tools or rent them, if you don't think you'll need them again. But if you can't even find the tools you need, or you're struggling to source the right materials, then it could be time to call in a pro. They will have the tools, knowledge and contacts to get the right materials and supplies. They can also advise you if it's not even worth repairing something old in your house, and if you're better off replacing it with a new one.
If The Task Has The Potential To Be Dangerous
What's the worst thing that can happen if you do this task incorrectly? If the answer is "fire" or something equally dangerous, then it’s not worth risking it. Electrical repairs, for example, are usually worth hiring professional help. Repairs on your roof are also better left to someone with experience like Mr Roof, as it can be dangerous up there if you’re not 100% sure what you’re doing.
If You’re Trying To Increase The Value Of Your Home
If you're planning to sell your home soon, you might think saving money by doing repairs yourself is a good idea. But actually, you’re probably better off hiring a pro. They will use the right techniques and materials to do the job correctly and add value to your home. If buyers notice something that doesn't look totally professional, it could be a red flag that turns them off altogether. If you don’t do a proper job, you might inadvertently lower the value of your home--the exact opposite of your intention.
If You Just Don't Have the Time
As a blogger and a budget-conscious person, I sometimes feel like hiring help is the lazy, weak choice. But just because I could do something myself doesn't mean that I should do it. Everything takes time, and time is precious. Time spent learning, practicing, and executing a new skill is time away from your kids, hobbies, and other tasks. That might be a trade-off you're not willing to make--especially if the cost of hiring it out really isn't that bad.
Finding the right professional to help you is just as important as deciding whether to get help in the first place. Ask for recommendations from friends and family, look at websites and reviews, and always get multiple quotes. Don't necessarily go for the cheapest quote though, as it could be worth spending a little more for somebody with more experience and better reviews.
What house projects have you tackled yourself, and which ones have you left to the professionals?