This post is written in partnership with Comfort & Relax and Honeymoon Home Fashions. All opinions are my own.
After we got the new twin bed for Emmett's room, I started looking around for an affordable, comfy mattress. Since we planned to put guests in this bed, we needed a quality mattress that would be comfortable for adults as well, so we decided to rule out all the thinner mattresses, even though they can be really affordable and perfectly fine for kids. I set myself a pretty tight budget of under $200, which made the task more challenging. As part of my frugal goals for 2019, I've been trying to buy things used whenever I can...but a mattress seemed like the exception. You just never know what was on a used mattress before! So I was determined to find a good NEW mattress that fit my budget. Finally, I decided to get this one from Amazon...and I'm so glad I did! It's a great mix of value and comfort: supportive yet soft, and with a top bamboo layer that keeps the temperature cool.
This is one of those mattress-in-a-box deals, where the mattress gets delivered straight to your door in a relatively small box. The kids loved watching it "grow" from its compressed, rolled up form to a fully expanded mattress (it takes about a day, but there's a lot of expanding that happens in the first few minutes). They were so entertained by the process, plus then they had a box to play with afterward. They thought it was the best! Haha.
The next step after getting the right mattress was sheets. Again, I wanted something quality, but inexpensive. I found these ones and ordered them in navy. They are silky soft and so comfortable. I love that they are made with 3M Scotchgard, which wicks away moisture, helps release stains, and keeps the fabric soft and breathable. They were also surprisingly unwrinkly when I took them out of the wash, despite the fact that I always forget to unload the dryer for a looong time.
If I zoom out a bit, this is what Emmett's room looks like right now. It's a little tight with the crib and glider, as I've essentially combined a nursery and a kids room into one space so we can maximize the bed count. But it works!
This mattress and these sheets are both perfect for Airbnb, where you don't want to spend a ton, but you still want to give your guests a good nights sleep.
One more thing! Comfort & Relax offered to sent us a memory foam toddler pillow. I had never even heard of these, but I figured why not? Well, Ian loves it! It's just his size and helps improve sleep quality, with soft Air Cell Technology Memory Foam in an ergonomic contour design that supports the natural curve of a toddler's head, neck, and shoulders.