Ok, yes, I know it’s not September yet. But I’m already thinking of what I want to get with next month’s budget! First things first, our bedroom. I won’t be able to buy everything from the boards that Decorist put together for us, but I do want to get started. I liked the headboard from their first design board, but we’re thinking of doing a full bed frame instead, so we can hide our box spring and so it feels more finished. And instead of white, I’m thinking maybe blue…or grey...or yellow…or beige. Which color you prefer with my bedding? The prices also vary a little by color.
Blue - $711.55 / Grey - $730.95 / Yellow - $899 / Beige - $854.05
I also want to get a few accessories for our bedroom. I won’t be able to get all these items this month, but I’d like to get a few. We’re thinking of putting sconces on either side of the bed and moving our current lamps to the living room instead. Do you know of any good sources for wall sconces? I’m not sold on the ones I put in this round-up…they’re just an example.
After that, I’d like to set up my dressing table area with a pretty mirror and a lidded basket for my curling iron, blowdryer, and straightener. I also eventually want to get a rug. The one I picked out from Lulu & Georgia is currently sold out, but I’ve been wanting it for awhile, so I’d be willing to wait a little longer.
Brass swing-arm sconce - $109 / French gilt mirror - $419 / Lidded basket - $115 / Painted desert rug - currently sold out
Lastly, I have a few things I want to get for fall, wardrobe-wise. I’ll definitely be looking for coupon codes or waiting for sales before I can get most of these...but since it’s only a wish list, why not? Here are the pieces I have my eye on.
Black suede booties - $169.95 / Orange high-rise trousers - $49.95 (plus 20% off sale) / Lace top - $49.95 (plus 20% off sale) / Faceted cuff - $55 (plus 25% off) / Black Archive boots - $298 / Grey polish - $14 (coming soon)
So…that was a huge list and I obviously don’t have enough money to get all of it! What should I get first? I’m thinking the bed…and maybe that Anthro top. Don’t forget to tell me which color you think would be best for the bed!
And I’d love to hear what’s on your wish list for September, too.

I love the blue or the grey! I'm thinking that deep blue would work really well with your sheets and something about that blue in that style is romantic to me.
Just pick color with long term in mind. Make sure its a color you both love, Then it will last. It's an expense you don't want to re do every few years! (I'm just a mother, it's hard to not let the mothering advice mode out of me :(.)
Aaaahh I want the blue one SO bad! Boyfriend already said no, so looks like I'm going to have to do it behind his back :P
this is a drool-worthy wishlist. amen!
ladies in navy
I have the bed in navy and I love it! Not a super dark navy but a really great blue. And I was super impressed with the quality for the price and ease of putting it together!
I love all the colors, but I vote beige or gray because they're the most versatile if you feel like changing your bedding and color scheme up in the future. Can't wait to see the end result!
I love the blue and the grey bed frames, but I always gravitate towards the cool end of the spectrum! Plus they're a little cheaper, which means more items can be bought from your list :)
I'd definitely go for the grey headboard, since that is a more versatile color when you change your style, mood or bedding. And you definitely have a great list for coming September! I feel like shopping now that I have seen your list. ;-)
So funny you're thinking about redoing your bedroom, we've been planning a lot too now. I hope it all gets done before winter is finally here. ;-) And I'm definitely planning to buy some new gorgeous bedding from Anthropologie... Hugs, Inge x
I'm loving the deep blue. It would add a beautiful rich tone to the room and it just so happens to be the least expensive. Added bonus!
I've been looking for a similar bed - love this option. I'm torn between the blue and gray!
Grey! It goes with everything and will allow you to change your bedding easily. Blue is nice too but I think you'd have to be more picky with the colours you want to pair with it.