This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.
The way we see things in our heads matters (a lot!) in life. Our perception of ourselves can have a real bearing on the way our lives pan out. If we see ourselves or the world around us in a negative light, then there's a good chance that negativity will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we feel more positive and confident, then chances are we'll have a brighter, happier life. And don't we all want our children to be happy? So then, the question is, how do we go about raising children that believe in themselves and have a healthy sense of self-confidence?
1. Let Them Do Things They Enjoy
When people do things they actually like to do, it makes them feel good. It makes them want to partake in those activities even more, and the more time they put in, the better chance that they'll excel at it. So don't control what your kids do as extracurricular activities, and don't try to push the hobbies that you did yourself as a kid (or ones that you wish you would've done). Instead, allow your kids to choose their own activities, and engage in what they're interested in. Let them flourish! You never know, they could end up becoming very good at what they do. Even if they don't, they'll have fun and have a healthy sense of encouragement to follow their passions.
2. Teach Them About Important Things Early
Things like money skills and the fundamentals of domestic life are better learned at a young age, and will give your kid a good head start on being a competent adult. They don’t need to be an expert, of course, but a little knowledge can go a long way. If they show an interest, involve them in your practical to-dos. Let them learn about things like negotiation, car insurance, investing, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, cleaning and cooking. At a young age, kids often like to be involved in whatever their parents are doing, so it's a good time to give them a foundation in these important tasks (before they find them boring!).
3. Encourage Exercise And Movement
Letting kids sit inside staring at a screen all day is terrible for them (even if they're watching something "educational"). It's healthy and important for kids to be active and running around! And being fit will certainly help your kids to feel confident throughout life. If you find that your kid is uninterested in exercise, try getting out there with them and doing something fun together. Depending on their age, some good activities are Simon Says, Duck Duck Goose, biking, roller blading, badminton, tennis, bowling, skiing, swimming, tossing the Frisbee, hiking, playing a game of P-I-G, or having a dance party. You can also let your kids join you when you're working out--whether it's going for a run or doing a workout video together. You can build memories and build up your kid's confidence if you get up and move around together.
4. Encourage Socializing
Socializing hasn’t exactly been a big part of life in the year 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s still something that everyone needs a lot of. Kids may even need social interaction more than adults. Make sure that your children are still able to get that important interaction with their friends and family members. Encourage them to see their friends in a safe way, outdoors, and give them opportunities to interact with people of all ages. Social skills are an important part of building confidence!