This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own.
2020 has been a rough year for many reasons. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, missing out on vacations we were looking forward to is a small disappointment compared to so many serious tragedies. But still...it's hard to let go of vacation plans and aspirations. Dreaming of future travel can make the current situation feel less bleak (even if it's a hypothetical trip that you plan just for fun). And since it's impossible to know when the world will go back to "normal," you might want to rethink the destinations of your future dream vacations. While some countries are on full lockdown, other less-populated countries are starting to open to visitors--albeit with people wearing masks and gloves, and keeping their distance. Based on some quick research, here are four options that are currently open to some extent.
Antigua and Barbuda
You may have heard of Antigua and Barbuda from pirate books and movies. It's a mysterious pair of islands that are set deep in the Caribbean, where once upon a time, law and order was a running joke among thieves, murderers, and swashbucklers. But, in today’s world, it's one of the few untouched paradises still left. But for those who want to travel, why should you come here and what are the restrictions when it comes to COVID-19 travel? Well, there are four criteria that every nation is selecting as a way to handle holidays and foreign visitors. Are they open? Are the citizens free from lockdown? Do those coming into the country need to be isolated upon landing? And is the economy welcoming to tourists?
Open to foreign nationals? = Yes
Open to citizens and residents? = Yes
Quarantine for visitors? = No
Tourism? = Yes, with some restrictions
The country is up and running again, but where should you go?
Nelson’s Dockyard
Famous sea lord Nelson made this island one of his dockyards. He repaired ships and set sail from the islands while combating Spanish and French ships. It became a Royal Navy Dockyard in 1784 and lasted for 3 years, while it was in intense usage. It's now home to many sailboats of locals who use the dockyard to protect their ships from waves and gusts coming in from the Caribbean Sea. it's now also a UNESCO site because of its importance in world history. This is where you can come to witness history and take in the stories of those times when sail ships loaded with cannons, ruled the seas.
Darkwood Beach
The white sand on this beach is very refined and pure, making it feel so good on bare feet and hands. It's not quite sandcastle building material, but it's soft and light as a pillow, making it fantastic for workouts and beach games. Darkwood Beach is absolutely stunning, with open views out towards the horizon and barely any soul insights for at least a few hundred meters. It's a scarcely used beach at times, but make sure you’ve booked ahead as the authorities will be keeping watch for who is and isn’t sticking to social distancing and they will need to take down your details. These details are discarded when you leave the island or when no signs of virus have been detected after two weeks.
There's a good chance you didn’t even know there was a landlocked country between Spain and France. It's called Andorra and it is one of the few microstates still left in the world. With just 463 square kilometers of land and a population of just 77,500, this nation heavily relies on tourism and cross-border trade. It's quite beautiful and picturesque.
Open to foreign nationals? = Yes, with some restrictions
Open to citizens and residents? = Yes, with some restrictions
Quarantine for visitors? = No
Tourism? = Yes, with some restrictions
But where should you go?
Coma Pedrosa
If you’re in the mood to leave all your troubles behind and go for a hike up the hills, Coma Pedrosa is waiting for you. The green mountains and blue standing waters are calling your name. It's very popular with mountain climbers because of the technical challenges it poses but it's also good for beginners as there are many different passes and routes up and down the mountains. It was a refuge for the early settlers who were being troubled because of their religion and they have also suffered invasions from different nations and governments in the past. However, Andorra has been around since 9500BC and has an incredible past. When you’re up in these mountains, you know you’re surrounded by truly ancient landscapes and wildlife.
If you’re the type of person that cannot stand hot summer holidays, then don’t worry because the Grandvalira is skiing heaven. This ski run and mountain slope are one of the largest ski runs in the world. Stretching for 210 kilometers, you have a wide range of courses and paths to follow and challenge your skills. In all, there are 118 different runs to choose from. It's beginner-friendly but it goes all the way up to advanced and expert. There are guides on hand to show you the routes and manage the path safely. However, there are so many cameras and other people around, that you won’t feel lost for very long if you stray from the paths. It's an amazing mountain region and perhaps the best place to go when you want to forget the world and have fun in Andorra.
This is an island that is surrounded in mystery and fear. We’ve all heard of the Bermuda Triangle and how planes and boats go missing. That is good for a novel, but when it comes down to it Bermuda is really just another stunning Caribbean hotspot. But more to the point, what are the restrictions regarding travel?
Open to foreign nationals? = Yes, with some restrictions.
Open to citizens and residents? = Yes, with some restrictions.
Quarantine for visitors? = Limited.
Tourism? = Yes, with some restrictions.
Why come here?
The island that’s in the shape of a fish hook, has many surprises and hidden gems. It's mostly a resort island, with many spas, privacy hotels, and 5-star services. But here is where you should look to go.
Horseshoe Bay
It's the most popular beach in Bermuda and for very good reason. It's a tourist hotspot because it's along the south coast of the island so you get maximum exposure to the sun while also shielding yourself from the Westerly winds. Perfect for sunbathing and playing beach volleyball or frisbee, this is a family beach outing. Most hotels will have a shuttle bus service to this beach and it's usually totally free. If it's not included in your trip package, it should only cost around $1 or $2. From around 10 am to 6 pm, these shuttle bus services run to and from hotels. There may be some restrictions on the beach, such as social distancing but there may not be any need for masks and gloves. The vendors at the beach serving food will be checked and certified to keep operating as they are clear of any illnesses.
Crystal and Fantasy Caves
Located in Hamilton Parish it's very near to Castle Harbor. It's a long cave that spans for 500 meters and is around 60 meters deep. The cave goes further inland and becomes more and more mysterious. It was a tourist attraction as far back as 1907 after it was discovered 2 years before by Carl Gibbons and his friend Edgar Hollis. They were just 12 years old and were actually trying to find their lost cricket ball. The cave has turquoise and green water and is clear right down to the bottom of the shallow parts. There is a walkway above the waterline which guests can traverse, making for a truly immersive experience. The thin crystals hanging down from the ceiling make for excellent viewing, showing just how old the caves must be.
This small island in the eastern Mediterranean has a rich culture and history that spans back 10,000 years...along with beaches and vistas that are absolutely stunning. Although it has been hit hard by the lockdown, it has managed to maintain its tourism industry.
Open to foreign nationals? = Yes.
Open to citizens and residents? = Yes, with some restrictions.
Quarantine for visitors? = Limited.
Tourism? = Yes, with some restrictions.
But where to visit?
If you’re coming to Cyprus straighter after the lockdown, chances are you want to have a real escape. That’s why this should be your first port of call…
Mount Olympos
At 1,952 meters, this mountain is one of the highest in the Mediterranean. It's a tranquil place to hike and be alone with your thoughts. You’ll find that it's also bathed in history, with many ancient armies having to march through the passes and up the side of this mountain to get to their battlefields.
These are the top nations that have opened up their borders to tourists and are the most welcoming. There are some restrictions in place but they are easily followed.