I'm sharing the DIY instructions for this colorful acorn garland over on the Bali blog today! If your mind is already switching to winter/holiday mode, you can apply this same principle to anything, really--pinecones, twigs, etc. Add a little paint in your favorite colors and they'll feel seasonally appropriate, but also very "you."
Check out the rest of the photos here!

I love these and their colors! So fun :)
Thanks, Courtney! xoxo
oh these are so darling! they'd be great in any set of colors too!
ladies in navy
Thank you! I know, I think they'd be cute in black and white too...or all pastels, or metallics...or whatever! Acorns are so adorable, you really can't go wrong.
Oh, that's so adorable Aileen! I love how you left some unpainted and included some gold touches here and there (my favorite!!). They all look so fresh and cute, just perfect for the coming holidays. It reminds me to start decorating and diy-try a lovely garland myself. Anyway, this one is darling! And they fit perfect with your amethyst tea light holder too! :-)
Thanks, Inge! The gold ones are my favorites too. And thanks for noticing my amethyst tea light holder as well! I'm in love with it...
Yes yes yes SOOOO cute! You mixed and matched the colors PERFECTLY.
Aww, thanks Amy! You're the best.